I decided I am going to start dating.  My co-worker, Susie, laughed at me and told me she didn’t know that was something you just decided to do.  But, for me it is.  I have an inbox full of possibilities from an online ad I posted.  I have a date for Saturday night and I kissed a boy tonight.  So the latter two are the same guy and not a great thing since he is involved….but he is a good kisser and sexy.  He is supposed to be my date to a Halloween party at my friend Brandi’s house on Saturday.  I have talked about him before, Charles.  We work together and have been on and off flirt partners for a couple years.  He kissed me a couple times before, but it never went anywhere.  I don’t know that it will go anywhere this time either…but I hope it does J  Although….I got a call from him tonight and when I answered it I didn’t hear anyone at first.  I said hello again and I heard his voice in the background saying “who are you calling?”  I said hello a couple more times, but didn’t hear anything more.  I really hope it wasn’t his girlfriend looking in his phone…and if it was her I hope it was a mistake or she was curious who he had called last…and NOT because he didn’t erase the text messages in his phone that read quite explicitly…”If you don’t have plans on Sat lets hang out, but its got 2 b ur place.”  Me inviting him to a costume party on that Saturday and telling me (I am dressing as a cosmopolitan martini) that he wants to “stir my martini before the party”, “and after I hope.” And “If u can help I am sure we can do it twice before the party.”  He wants to be my hero and “if I have to oral all night 2 make u smile I will, I am not selfish.”  And a promise of a preview and a trip down memory lane while at the gym today.   And a preview of his luscious lips I got…mmmm!  So yes, I hope he was smart enough to erase all the messages from his phone.  I didn’t dare call him back or text him…I will have to wait until tomorrow to see what is up.

Bailey is juggling and struggling with six different women trying to be with him and set his up…I don’t know where that will end up.  I miss him, but it is time to move on.  I don’t propose that I am going to make him jealous and he will come running back to me…but he does need to see what he gave up and make his own decision if it was worth it or not.  I hope he decides he wants me…or I find a wonderful man that does along the way.  I am tired of feeling alone.  Time to move on..hopefully I will have some fun and sordid dating tales soon!!!!

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December 30, 2006

Oh my…I had to show the married guy I was messing w/ HOW he could clear out all his text messages. He called Nextel one day and they told him there was absolutely NO way to erase them all. So I had to tell him how to get on the website and delete them from there. Stupid Nextel people don’t even know their own system!!!