Job Interview
I had my 2nd job interview on Friday for the analyst position. I am not sure how it went. The person making the decsion was on the phone, not in person. I couldn’t get a good judge of her body language over the phone. I know she psyched me up even more for the job when she told me it would include a decent amount of travel. My main vendor responsibility would be in Liverpool, England. I would have to travel back in forth fairly often. SWEET! But you can’t go and tell me something so great and not give me the job. I wanted it a lot before, but now I REALLY want the job. They said I should know next week….I am hopeful. Honestly though I wasn’t overly convinced that the director liked me enough to hire me. Some of the other managers told me this director is very poker faced all the time and she is hard to read in person, never mind over the phone. Time will tell!
I have felt ok since Friday. Yesterday I was a little sick, but I think that was partly my fault. I ate some dairy. It was the 2nd day in a row. I can do one day and then wait a week and do it again in moderation…but two days in a row and I am asking to get sick. So I don’t know if being sick was whatever has been ailing me or dairy induced. If I am feeling better in the morning I am going to cancel my doctors appointment. I got some pro-biotics today. They were about $30, but I am told they will kill any and all bad bacteria and I will be feeling better within 3 days. I figure it’ll cost me $25 to go to the doctors tomorrow plus up to $15 for each medication the doctor prescribes….I may give the probiotics a three day try and see how I am. I’ll add some elderberry and hope for the best.
I heve felt pretty good today. I was pissed off when I got up today because my water was shut off again (another busted water main) and they had no idea when it would be done. I went out to the bar after work last night and I reeked this morning. My own oder was offensive to me! I kept trying to call Bailey but he wasn’t back from his comic book convention in San Francisco. I called all my friends and no one was home!!! Ashley told me she would be home aorund 1730 if I wanted to come by and shower then. Luckily I got ahold of Bailey before that around 1600 and I got to come by and shower. I then hung out with Dawn for a couple hours and then went for Dinner (yummy sushi!) with Ashley. I am now back at Baileys and going to watch the new Grays Anatomy…can’t wait!
More later