The Heart Beats Love
There is this rising trend in our world where we want to eliminate or erase a facet of the world. We judge the world on a imaginary scale based on assumptions and understanding. But aren’t we merely projecting our own limited understanding to infinite possibilities?
For instance, light is both visible and invisible to the human eye. We train our eyes to see within a range of a specific spectrum and then we define what we understand into smaller categories, fragments of the bigger picture – as such, we give what we understand and can measure names so that others can identify what it is they are seeing. Just as Light is defined within a spectrum of visible and invisible particles and waves, so does literally everything else. There are things in the cosmos that are visible, invisible and unknowable. There is a spectrum of understanding that goes beyond our ability to comprehend or even measure. What exists in the cracks are up to our imagination to construct and theorize.
So, when we say we want to eliminate any facet of our reality, in essence what we are suggesting is that we want to erase our reality. But, when we pull a thread from a sweater and there appears a run – and then put stress on that run, the fabric being weakened, it will (at some point) break. There is a tolerance to everything.
We cannot imagine the devastation on the day the Earth is erased from creation. Theoretically, the Sun will devour our planet in the confusing process of when it sheds one of its layers and becomes a Brown Dwarf. It will double, triple in size and is magnetic pull will multiply factors in magnitude. All life will be destroyed, likely eons before the day even happens. But to put ourselves there, that even something as immortal as he Earth will also cease to exist. So, when we measure our thoughts outward and say we wish that something never happened or didn’t exist because of a fantasy perception – then it demonstrates that we’d rather live in fantasy than in reality. We have, at this point, only one choice – to accept.
But to accept is to surrender. To surrender is to give into the facets of our world that brings pain, hurt, loss, confusion, sadness and depression… There has to be a delineation as to what we must accept and what we must reject. How do we know the difference? Love. The heart beats love.
Love is the power to forgive someone who has acted in error and has done something that they cannot take back but can atone for. True hate wants to see all things suffer and burn – and often times, the people who hold the most hate in their hearts, have the biggest smiles and say the nicest things. They will promise you the world and blame the person they want you to believe to be the one responsible for the true hate, anger, rage, pain, suffering. They will lie and conceal their deeds, but at the same time, project their deeds on someone else – a puppet – to make you direct your rage and anger and pain towards that person or people so that all you feel is your rage and pain and sadness. How then do we tell is the sinner who wants to atone for their sins and the demon who wants to plunge the world into an unimaginable hell?
Discernment is the precise ability to use one’s own personal power to judge the events and attitudes around us and know what is being done on purpose and what was done in ignorance. Discernment without personal power is impossible. Personal power is the energy one requires to see the energies and influences at play and to understand the nature and direction of ‘that thing’ we are observing. Discernment is the lens we are able to measure, calculate and formulate in our minds, through attention, and arrive at a close proximity of what is going on – what is truly going on.
Kevin Alfred Strom once wrote, ‘To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” In a world of censorship due to ‘Hate Speech’ we have to ask ourselves, what was truly said to know whether or not it was hateful and meant to stir controversy and outrage. We live now in a world torn by violence, religious zealots who see people of other faith and skin color as devils, race zealots who also see other people of faith and skin color as devils, and ideologs who see people of other faiths and ideologies as devils – and in every instance, rage, hate and anger is their purifying flame that must burn down he world. An incitement to violence with the outcome being violence is ‘Hate Speech.’ Criticizing the ideology of a people who promote hate and violence towards another group, with the outcome of violence against that group isn’t. And we’ve failed to see the distinction. One has the potential to promote violence as the other promotes violence. But it is only the group that are warning others of the hidden agenda who are silenced and those who actually promote the violence are encouraged and supported to carry out violence. Those who rule us are pushing the Agenda and they are flaunting it in our faces. Discernment is the ability to see the cause and to know the effect and to understand that it is being manipulated to drive a specific Agenda – and when that Agenda is meant to hurt people and to conceal the Agenda and it’s Architects and place the blame on those who aren’t to blame – we must learn and understand how the manipulation is meant to attack our ability to polish and shine our spirit, to raise our Personal Power. That is why in these instances, we must strive harder to polish our spirit and raise our Personal Power. To erase this moment in time and all the hate, and pain and suffering and sadness – and to allow it to infect our heart and mind, is to acquiesce and to surrender our own Personal Power and give up on the great adventure that is Life. The antidote to it all is Love.
Plants are amazing, the harshest of environments, the hardest of soils, the tiniest of cracks a plant, flower, shrub, tree will grow. And its roots will propagate and one day, when the plant is ready, it will bear its fruit. If a plant, a simple organism that hasn’t built countless civilizations, created economies, created social paradigms, religion, art, technology can thrive in the harshest of environments – humans, who have done all these things and more, should be able to adapt and overcome. We must learn how to fill our hearts with Love. Love is the power to respect, to accept, to understand, to be patience, to be discerning and to bring unity and inclusion. We can’t love and little and expect huge results. We must love with a huge capacity and never expect not even the tiniest of results – because Love must be for the sake of Love only. To be unconditional is to sit above it all and look down with admiration and understanding of all the cycles and pulses and energies and waves evolving around us – as the minds of the many try to construct a new framework upon which they can better acknowledge and understand the world that is becoming. When we let anything other than Love fill our heart – the foundation of our understanding, our Personal Power begins to wane and suffering begins to take root and becomes the dominate state of being. Love must rule supreme to arrive at the highest peak of understanding.