sweet little girl

I grew up as a sweet girl,
Sorrowless and sweet.
I was always cute,
Cuddly and neat.But since the day,
My daddy went away…
My life has changed
In a really big way.
I started taking drugs,
And started smoking too.
I met new friends and all,
I even joined a crew.
My mommy got real worried,
And kept her eye on me.
Cause she always wanted me to be the same…
Young, innocent, and sweet.
I go to late night parties,
And run away from home.
I felt sorry for my mom,
Cause she’s left all alone.
She’s gotta accept me for who I am,
And what I wanna be.
I always ask myself……
What does she really want me to be?
So live each day to the fullest,
And be what you wanna be.
Remember you don’t have much time….
So reveal your true identity.
Don’t follow in my footsteps,
Or even look up to me.
Cause I am still not the person
My mother wanted me to be.

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August 13, 2007

I already told you but that poem is so sad …it really reminds me of what you feel all the time…but then I think about it and realize that she wouldn’t love you anymore if you were exactly what she wanted you to be so at the end you might as well be yourself…besides the more you evolve the more iresistable you become you can attract just about anyone