I am a Goth and I’m proud of it.

I think about my life as I stare out of my window, thinking about all the possibilities in life.

What is the meaning of life?

I ask myself.

Well, life is full of so many things to accomplish.

People think that life is about getting rish and be cool.

To me, it’s to try and be the best I can be. Not trying to be something I’m not.

People don’t understand why I’m a Goth.

I’m a Goth because I want to be.

I’m a Goth because i know what Goth means .

Nobody tells me what to be. Only me.

I love being a Goth.

I’m proud of being a Goth.

And nobody can change me.

And nobody can be me.


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March 31, 2007

cool…I like being a goth sometimes too but sometimes i got to be a preppy so I can play golfblessed be

April 5, 2007

hmmm…nothing here…

July 22, 2007

Your probably one of the only people that i know that stands up for what you are and tells the f***ers who try to change you a nice F**K YOU !