i’m a mutha
my first mother’s day! what a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful thing. i mean, i realize that i’m joaquin’s MOMMY, but there was something so sweet and lovely about being celebrated yesterday ~ a day i typically associate with so many OTHER MOTHERS – my mom, my mother-in-law, my friends that are mommies, my sister, etc. i didn’t expect to be so emotional about the day, but it was very, very awesome.
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aaron did a wonderful job ~ he had two cards waiting for me when i woke up, one from him and one from joaquin & camus. the card from my little boys had a gift certificate for spa treatments, and aaron had scheduled appointment(s) scheduled for 6p last night. AWWW. i had a really nice day with my sweet boys. joaquin was extra clingy and snuggly, which i loved, and he was also just so dang SWEET. we walked aaron to the gym and did some shopping at target. while aaron got his fitness on. then joaquin and i headed home so he could take a nap. aaron brought home some cupcakes from sprinkles (of course, my favorite!) and made me a lovely cup of coffee.
after joaquin woke up, we put some finger paint on his feet and made little cards with his feet prints for my mom and for my mother-in-law. it was just plain fun. my brother & sister-in-law stopped by with a card and MORE desserts, then aaron’s mom came over with still more desserts. ACK! so many yums, so little room in my pants.
then we took aaron’s mom out for lunch at the farm and joaquin was awesome in his big boy high chair eating big boy food at the table. he also drank water from a big boy glass using a regular old straw. it was highly entertaining to me.
then i was off to the spa for a facial & pedicure. it was lovely. they had champagne and cupcakes in the waiting area, so OF COURSE i indulged. (oinkerama) then i headed home, and aaron had kept joaquin up a bit past his bedtime so i could sneak in one last nursing session while we watched the survivor finale (super exciting!) and had some wine (and, of course MORE DESSERT). it was just perfectly perfect and i was such a happy fat piglet.
other stuff:
– i met baby havana on friday ~~ so incredibly tiny and so sweet. i was so emotional and so happy for liana and tal
– on saturday we headed out to laguna niguel for mitch & geni’s housewarming party. they moved just down the way from our good friends heather & brian, so we met them out there and enjoyed a lovely evening in the orange county. there were tons of kids there, and joaquin went in a swing for the first time. he LOVED it so much. he would hold his breath when the swing would go back and squeal with delight as it would swing forward. oh my gosh, it was so adorable.
– i have a busy work week ahead, but aaron and i might sneak out to see a movie friday afternoon while joaquin is at "gigi’s"
– life is good. i am a happy girl.
no massage?!? Just kidding, happy mother’s day!
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RYN: I just felt so terrible when he gave me this look of utter confusion – like his little heart was breaking. I know it isn’t easy to be a working mom. My mother worked and raised 3 kids on her own – I can’t imagine. I do realize how hard it is. On the other hand, being at home 24/7 isn’t always a fun happy time, either. I tried a Mommy and Me group and it wasn’t for me.
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I’m just seeing this now, so happy belated mother’s day! I’m with you on this – it was so weird and awesome to be celebrated for the first time. xo
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