i like to move it move it
so the first moment when joaquin started to DANCE was maybe? the best moment ever as a momma. i had been anticipating, hoping maybe someday soon it would happen. but i didn’t want to get my hopes up. but then it did. and i can barely stand how AH-DOR-ABLE it is.
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i mean, "dance" is a term i may use lightly, but i think any sort of movement to any sort of rhythm qualifies here.
anyway, i was going to write a whole bunch, but i think i just want to post videos. check some out, yeah?
joaquin "kind of" dances
joaquin discovers sand for the first time
joaquin is just terribly cute
Ok, no, i still do want to write.
so. we’ve decided to test the waters of the housing market and see what our loft can fetch during these interesting times. interest rates are low, demand for condos in downtown los angeles is high, and we are ready to find a house that can allow our little bubbaloo explore the outdoors on a more regular basis.
so we are going to see what we can sell our place for and then MAYBE we will get into an actual house with an actual yard and good shools with high scores on the school rating systems and GAH everything now changes with the idea of joaquin’s future looming so closely.
so there’s a lot of cleaning/purging/staging happening right now and it’s scary + exciting.
work is good – steady but not craaazeee. but i need to step it up as soon as this current project wraps because we should be perkolating at a higher intensity.
ok to be fair, i’ve been sick for the past few days (like, stuck in bed sick) and then i had a bit of wine tonight and now i’m at a loss for coherent thoughts. so i WILL end this now and back to work i go.
Obviously you guys will stay in LA for Aaron’s career, yes? Where are you thinking? Pasadena? Or Westside somewhere – Pacific Palisades or Brentwood, etc? I’ve often thought of where we would live in LA if we were raising Gavo down there, and I think personally Pasadena would be where we’d end up. So I’m always curious where other people would choose to raise a child down there.
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oh exciting times ahead!! Interesting to move when you have children… it’s even harder! Although better to do it when he’s this age than when he’s older… the longer you wait the more stuff accumulates!
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R: Nothing wrong with that! I lived there for a while – well, there and Sherman Oaks, and I loooooved it. It may be the 818, but it’s not deep 818 so it still retains some of the quaintness and uniqueness of Over The Hill. And Casa Vega is there.
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