I went to visit a friend today. We had a really good chat. Had lunch and then had a nightmare drive home. We are having crazy weather at the moment,flooding in lots of areas. I didn’t get home till gone 6. As luck would have it hubby decided to order pizza, so thankfully didn’t have to cook.
In my ‘spare time’ I’ve been re watching The Vampire diaries, so managed to watch another episode this evening. Totally forgot how much I enjoyed the first couple of seasons. And crushing a little bit on Damon
Tomorrow, my plans have changed, due to a change of circumstance, and also my plan for Thursday, so I’m going to try and get a haircut. Right now my hair is down to my boobs, I rarely wear it down, but today I did, and it just annoys the hell outta me! The hairdresser I usually go to was advertising for models for trainees to do short bobs, so I’ve sent them my details. It means it will be cheaper too. I really don’t like going to the hairdresser, I’ve never liked it, but it needs to be done. Who knows, I may just go nuts and have a pixie style!
Ill let you know
sounds like you are a busy person. And not cooking…Hubby must really love you.
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You sound like me when it comes to getting haircuts. I just don’t enjoy it. They usually want to make small talk and I have nothing to say. So I end up waiting until my hair gets to a length where it starts to annoy me. I’m a guy though and my hair gets curly. There’s a point where it just looks ridiculous. I hope the haircut goes well. And stay safe with the flooding.
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