I realise I haven’t written for a while. I’ve wanted to, but just haven’t had time to get onto the computer much. New job is still fine, no problems. Home stuff is making me a bit crazy. Same old shit, I’m not gonna turn this entry into a rant, I’ll save that for a private entry.
I was really hoping to make it on a trip up to Inverness in January. Was planning on having a weekend up there with friends from a fan site to see a film with our fave actor. the name of the film is Emulsion – hence my diary title, ( http://www.facebook.com/emulsionthemovie ) It is an independant film, very low budget, I went to London to see a private screening a couple of weeks ago – met the director who was lovely! The film is shot beautifully and the story is full of mystery and twists and turns. Keeps you guessing right till the end of the film – it’s brilliant, and lots of screen time for Sam Heughan – who is nothing short of brilliant as well as totally gorgeous! Anyway, back to the planned Inverness trip – as it turns out the actor we all love will actually be there doing a Q&A session. Now I am totally weird, but I just can’t do the celeb thing, meeting etc. So I’ve told my friends I can’t make it. It’s kind of a shame. I really like Inverness, and bizzarely I don’t think hubby would have minded too much. As it was, I never got round to asking him. I am meeting up with some of the girls in London the week before, which I’m really looking forward to.And I will just have to wish them all a very happy weekend without me! I’m sure with Sam close by, they won’t even notice I’m not there! At the moment the film is just being shown at cinemas in random places, but if you see it advertised near you and you like something a bit different (film noir is what I think they refer to it as) then go see it!!
It was hubby’s bday last week. We both booked the day off work. Went out for lunch, just a cheap and cheerful place, but was nice to just have a meal out, just the 2of us. Can’t remember the last time we did that. Wasn’t all great though, he still had a go at me about something, won’t go into that now.
I’ve had to attend a few training courses recently – the company I work for are very hot on keeping everyone up to date with their training – which is kind of a good thing – but very tiresome at times. Needless to say I will be working on my birthday
Really not into Christmas this year. If it wasn’t for my daughter, I doubt I would even put a tree up. Feeling very bah humbug this year.
Made the desicion to go down to wales this weekend to see my family. I have no enthusiasm for this whatsoever. Only going as I feel I have to at least make the effort. Can’t remember when we actually last went down. I just know that every phone call I’ve made recently, I have barely finished a sentance without being interrupted, mum shows no real interest in what is going on in our lives, just reports on my sister’s kids and talks about people I don’t know. But, we haven’t been down much this year, so ideal opportunity to drop off Christmas pressies. Bought some stuff over the weekend for mum and my sister’s kids – now just have to summon up the energy to wrap them all up! I have actually just started to write some christmas cards – always aware of the last posting dates to all the abroad places I have to sent cards to. Shame it’s not helping improve my christmas mood!
I guess I will leave it at that
Love and blessings xxx