Thursday already

Its Thursday and I wish it was Friday. Still lost in the head at work. Dont know much about processing crap. The boss is picky with wording of words, grammar etc.,

She told me yesterday to open myself what she wants to open my legs or what? I cannot express myself to people I dont know can you guys?

I do it here but thats different, this is my diary and I can write with out anyone judging me but in real life people tend to judge everything about you.

My voice is coming back now I have this annoying cough, last night I drank some theraflu for the coughing and soar throat. Woke up this morning throwing up and all.

Pricilla’s class will be having a field trip and she wants me to go, its for next month. What should I do? You know how when you start a job theres a probation period but I dont know if I should miss work. Any advice on this? Of course to me kids come first but I dont want to get a bad record on my job, as is I think they see me as dummy Josie.

I spoke to my pal at my last workplace "joan", she said rumor has it they are going to be letting go the department I was in. They already hired some people back in Nashville with the same positions they have in the Purchasing department here. She said I was lucky I left before being let go. I said I dont feel lucky still….

Nothing much going on. Just same old me being me. I am hoping this day will go better than yesterday. This is what I tell myself everyday.

Log in to write a note

Uh…it’s always hard when you start a new job. Maybe if you mention it now to your boss it will be cool? Or you could always lie & say it’s a Dr’s appt! Yeah, go with the lie.

Uh…it’s always hard when you start a new job. Maybe if you mention it now to your boss it will be cool? Or you could always lie & say it’s a Dr’s appt! Yeah, go with the lie.

February 1, 2007

I agree, go with the lie (if its only for a day, then your skrewed if it lasts longer). But you might as well tell them ahead of time. I like speaking in front of people I don’t know, then I can manipulate the truth, and no one will be the wiser.

February 1, 2007

I agree, go with the lie (if its only for a day, then your skrewed if it lasts longer). But you might as well tell them ahead of time. I like speaking in front of people I don’t know, then I can manipulate the truth, and no one will be the wiser.

February 1, 2007

hang in there. maybe you can get IG to fake a note for you also. She is great at deciet. 🙂 Dr. M,,,,, Please forgive j. she has stinky farts and needs to stay home until this passes. So to speak. 🙂 take care.

February 1, 2007

hang in there. maybe you can get IG to fake a note for you also. She is great at deciet. 🙂 Dr. M,,,,, Please forgive j. she has stinky farts and needs to stay home until this passes. So to speak. 🙂 take care.

February 1, 2007

Go with the lie. I like that.

February 1, 2007

Go with the lie. I like that.