Slow Day at the office

Just another slow day here at the office.  Nothing important or out of this world to report.  But guess what?  I finally subscribed for an online course in accounting.  With penfoster career school, its really cheap so its perfect for me. 

Oh guess what?  Last night J and I went to church and I asked my mom to watch the kids since she hasnt taken care of them practically the whole week.  Well she got home late first off I had to be at church at 7:00 and she got at my house at 7:30 I was mad I didnt want to take the kids cause its just a study bible for the church people that assist at church with helping.  We got home at 10pm since we were talking with some of the members and my mom as soon as I got home she said Sweetie, dont get into church to much since you work and you have to wake up early.  You’ll get top tired so dont get involved to much in church.  I gasped but not in front of her and I just ignored her completely!  If your daughter wants to be involved than by gosh let her be involved in church she should be gratefull dont  you think?

I completely dont know why she has been in church for so long and just doesnt care.  I am trying to change you know really I am.  People around me have seen the change.

My mom just really was not a good example for me nor my stepdad.  But I forgive them for how they raised me, it thought me not to be the way they were with me.  I am raising my kids a different level.  I try to be a good example for my kids.

Oh btw yesterday I went and bought a set of spoongebob dvd for David as soon as he saw it he said Poongebob, how cute he is finally speaking.  My baby is getting big, why cant he just be a baby?  My last one I try to baby him alot since I know for sure I am not having any more.

Well I gotta run have a good weekend everyone.

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June 1, 2007

RYN: Wow I’m not sure what that means. It makes me think of Jesus and the Blood of the lamb being the perfect sactrifice for the sins of the world but you should really check out that link that I have on that book it helps alot with interpretation. awww the poongebob is adorable lol. yanno some people are just hard pressed to change their ways. If she doesn’t come much maybe you coming will….

June 1, 2007

RYN: Wow I’m not sure what that means. It makes me think of Jesus and the Blood of the lamb being the perfect sactrifice for the sins of the world but you should really check out that link that I have on that book it helps alot with interpretation. awww the poongebob is adorable lol. yanno some people are just hard pressed to change their ways. If she doesn’t come much maybe you coming will….

June 1, 2007

…make her see that she needs to be more devoted to a relationship with God. I do agree that the order is GOD family, minstry, then work, but depending on where you are spiritually you may NEED to be in fellowship to get your strength so if you come every time the doors open who’s to say you are doing too much. Only you and God knows what your soul needs to stay saved. Keep on keepin on girl.

June 1, 2007

…make her see that she needs to be more devoted to a relationship with God. I do agree that the order is GOD family, minstry, then work, but depending on where you are spiritually you may NEED to be in fellowship to get your strength so if you come every time the doors open who’s to say you are doing too much. Only you and God knows what your soul needs to stay saved. Keep on keepin on girl.

June 1, 2007

Sam LOVES Spongebob and she says it so cute too. Have a great weekend!!

June 1, 2007

Sam LOVES Spongebob and she says it so cute too. Have a great weekend!!