My goals……for the upcoming years

Hello OD, just getting a fresh start this morning and wanted to update about what I have been thinking and doing in the past month or weeks I havent updated here.  Scary but J and I have set ourselves some goals in life.  Hopefully in 3 or so years I plan to move out of California. This is for reals too, I’m just planning to fix J’s situation here and getting him to speak English better.  I want my kids to have a home and hopefully we can do this outside of California.  Oh and check this out the church that we started going to they have a 2nd church in North Carolina since we dont have any close relatives anywhere besides Chicago and Georgia, and we surely dont want to move there.  We have decided to move to North Carolina in the near future.  Its a done deal, we dont want to live in California forever.  At first I said I wanted to move to Arizona or Nevada but I cant take all that heat. 

I know North Carolina its like way out there on the other side of California but I want a change for my kids.  We talked about it and we have set to moving there as soon as we get ourselves adjusted first with going back to school.  J mentioned Tennessee but my gosh I couldnt not there.  No offense but North Carolina just seems much greener than Tennessee.  I know this will happen I’m just kind of bored of my California now.  To crowded, its like everywhere you go theres to many people.  Whats sad is that there is to much of my race and I just cant take to much.  Then the people are just getting to be so rude.

Let me tell you what happend to me at Washington Mutual just two weeks ago.  There was this black lady in front of me walking to the line and we were still half way there to getting to the l ine when I decided to pass her big butt because she was walking to slow.  Well I shouldnt have because her butt just said this out loud , " Well might as well pass me since you see me I’m trying to get to the line and just went in front of me".  I told her, " well why dont you go in front of me instead".  She said, " No you’re there anyways since your skinnier you walked faster, just stay there".  I nodded my head and in my head was like gosh what did she expect everyone to wait till her butt got there to the line?  She was not there yet she was half way to the line I just was quicker walking.

But tell me wasnt that rude of her?  People are just plain mean out here and maybe we are all stressing but cant you be kind for once?  Not only that but in Walmart its the same thing I try to avoid conflict.  But sometimes I wish I was bigger to kick some butt but no I’m not like that.

Well have a good one everyone…. I know my day will go great today, I will try to update later.

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April 2, 2007

NC – that is where I live!! Where in NC?

April 2, 2007

NC – that is where I live!! Where in NC?

April 2, 2007

sounds like a plan. But I think it gets hot in North Carolina, why do you think they are always drinking “sweet tea” in the south. Sometimes a change of scenery is necessary. As far as the rude woman, well, she knows she’s fat and just wanted to make sure everyone knows people take advantage of her, and no, you didn’t do that. I always walk around “slow movers”.

April 2, 2007

sounds like a plan. But I think it gets hot in North Carolina, why do you think they are always drinking “sweet tea” in the south. Sometimes a change of scenery is necessary. As far as the rude woman, well, she knows she’s fat and just wanted to make sure everyone knows people take advantage of her, and no, you didn’t do that. I always walk around “slow movers”.

April 2, 2007
April 2, 2007

I would DIE to move to NC. Everyone keeps telling me it’s a lot like CA but cheaper…you could have an AMAZING house out there…gosh, I’m so jealous. Maybe I’ll just hide out in your U-Haul & pop out when you get there. I’ll be your nanny! Sounds like an awesome plan for you & your family! Go to & look at the houses, you’ll just die!

I would DIE to move to NC. Everyone keeps telling me it’s a lot like CA but cheaper…you could have an AMAZING house out there…gosh, I’m so jealous. Maybe I’ll just hide out in your U-Haul & pop out when you get there. I’ll be your nanny! Sounds like an awesome plan for you & your family! Go to & look at the houses, you’ll just die!