Just another Sunday…..pix

What a horrible weekend, I was sick all weekend. My body is changing and I just feel not great at all.  I am 28 but gosh I feel much older. 


Man am I glad that the holidays are getting near, I cant wait to spend the holidays just with my family. My husband and I watching the kids open presents. I hope it rains last year it was kind of cold but windy. 

This year its been a rough year for all of us, but all that we went thru it was worth it….

February we received "J ‘s " immigration appointment to Mexico for his Visa.  Which meant we were going to be separated for a while we thought it was going to be for months or even a year! We didnt know for how long. His appointment was set for March 7th.

March 4th he left his apppointment was for the 7th he wasnt approved and I had to file a waiver appointment. I was sad, the kids were sad it was hard to be separated.

All of March passed and no J yet, all of April passed and finally we went to Tecate, MX to go see my husband…. here is a picture of when I saw him again:


 May was his waiver appointment and he got approved! He finally re-entered to the Unites States legally! I missed him so much to some people 2 1/2 months of separation is nothing but Thank GOD we were praying for his return back without no problems.  Some families have to be separated for years I am glad ours was nothing like that. I love him so much. 

I am truly blessed with a good husband and my kids:







 I cant wait for the holidays this year its going to be special!


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September 29, 2008

Oh man. That must have been rough. Bless your heart. I love the pics!!

September 29, 2008

Oh man. That must have been rough. Bless your heart. I love the pics!!