Its Friday! Yeah Baby…

Finally Friday, am I glad.  We got invited to another birthday party for tomorrow.  So thats  baby showers and one birthday.  Gosh what to do…..My weekend hasnt been this busy, but lately I have been booked. LOL  My bosses daughter invited me to a birthday she is having for her son.  Its going to be at Guasti Park, they have a pool so the kids can swim, I’m thinking of stopping but not staying for long.  We have to be at church at 4pm for a concert. 

Last night J got home at 3 in the morning, he noticed we have no hot water, I told him maybe we got the gas disconnected.  He’s like but we have gas the stove turns on.  He didnt want to go and check it out but I told him to make sure we have gas if not then we have to pay it today.  We just have been slacking with the bills. I made myself some eggs this morning so yeah we still have gas.

When J got home my gosh we had a good time….  its been more than a week for us since we dont see each other that much.  I do miss him, yesterday I cried a little bit but I just have to be strong, someday we will be like a normal couple and have same schedules.  I will look back to this diary and just rethink how God truly has blessed me.  He blesses me everyday, with the kids, my J, work, friends I am just gratefull. 

Yesterday I got pissed off at the girls.  I was washing their jeans and mine; well stupid me didnt check the pockets and I think Pricillas pants had a black crayon cause when I took them out of the dryer they were all stained with black crayon. I yelled at both of them since I didnt know who did it and Pricilla did finnally admit it was her.  I told them its not my job to check the pants, they need to know not to leave anything in their pockets.  Well I rewashed them and some of the marks came off but the ones that were stained more were the ones I had just bought them last week!

Have you guys heard about the pregnant women missing?  Isnt that sad, why are there mean people out there?  Just goes to show you not to trust anyone.  I cant trust anyone!

David is still kind of sick, yesterday I gave him soup he threw it back out, then I gave him a tea he threw it out, then I gave him pedialyte and he was ok, I gave him the popsicles of pedialyte too and he ate half of it.  Afterwards he asked me for toast so I gave him a toast adn he loves butter so I put butter on it. He ate it, then he wanted doritos and he ate them.  At night I gave him a little bit of rice with veggies and he ate them.  I think he is better. No fever but his lips are kind of dry, he has been drinking alot of liquids and is running around.  Depending on today how I see him then I am going to the doctor.

Oh my back hurts and my feet, I need a real deep rub.  I told J that when I get home I want the bed with rose petals and throw myself on the bed. But thats not going to happend not when you have 3 crazy kids.


Have a good TGIF!

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June 22, 2007

TGIF i agree. Glad you are happy today 😀 me too.

June 22, 2007

TGIF i agree. Glad you are happy today 😀 me too.

June 22, 2007

D & I were talking about that missing pregnant girl last night. Did you hear what her 2 year old son sd (he was at there house wondering around). He sd, mommy was mad, hit the table, & was in the rug (something like that)…there is a rug missing from her place. hmm…. Have a great Friday!!

June 22, 2007

D & I were talking about that missing pregnant girl last night. Did you hear what her 2 year old son sd (he was at there house wondering around). He sd, mommy was mad, hit the table, & was in the rug (something like that)…there is a rug missing from her place. hmm…. Have a great Friday!!