Is today Wednesday?

I’m already wanting the day to be over.  Last night we got home at 10 we got out of church but I needed to get some stuff from the store well the store we first went to it was closed so then we had to go to another store they were just about to close but they let us in.  Then we came home and went to bed at around 11:30 p.m.

This morning I made me two eggs and some ham with beans man it was good and right now I’m just having my little cup of coffee.  I read somewhere that coffee really boosts up your brain so see I must drink it since my mind is still sleeping.

I’m thinking about inviting some kids over so my girls can get embarrased about their rooms being dirty.  See what happends with that.  Both of their birthdays is coming up, Beatriz wants this journal that she saw at Limited Too, you say I think or type your stuff and then you lock it by saying the password noone else can actually get in you know, technology these days, I remember when I was growing up it was writing and a lock, thats it.  Now you have everything in the internet and all this fancy stuff.  She wants that or a cell phone I told her she will need the cell phone more but she rather have the journal.  We’ll see, they dont want parties anymore, at 7 and 8 I still wanted parties.

I get my review here at work tomorrow, so I will update you guys on it later through out the day.  I’m suppose to have my appointment at 9-9:30.  I’m anxious to find out what the boss has to say. 

I’m so excited you guys, I like Shrek alot and part 3 is coming out on May 18th I already told J we are hitting the drive in with the kids.  I usually like drive in’s because you can take a bunch of snacks and watch it in your car, its just nice.  We lay in the back of the Suburban and we all watch the movie.  So cant wait, I’m like a kid I like cartoons still, is that bad?  I like Scooby Doo, Spongebob, Tom and Jerry, I use to like so much the cartoons that were on when I was growing up.  The cartoons now arent so nice well except Spoongebob.  J says that I’m like a little girl I tell him no its for the kids sake not mine.  Thats the advantage of having kids.  Blame it on them.  One time I was at a shoe department store and they wouldnt let me go in, so then I told them you know my little girl which was Beatriz she was 3 at the time, I said she really has to go so the finally let us in.  It was a relief!

Anyways I gotta run have a good one.

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April 25, 2007

Have a great Wednesday!!

April 25, 2007

Have a great Wednesday!!

You’re SO lucky you have a drive in! Man, I’m jealous! That sounds like a blast. Can’t wait to hear about your review. I was just thinking about my old diary when I was like 10 and it had a little lock on it. My friends were always trying to steal it.

You’re SO lucky you have a drive in! Man, I’m jealous! That sounds like a blast. Can’t wait to hear about your review. I was just thinking about my old diary when I was like 10 and it had a little lock on it. My friends were always trying to steal it.

April 25, 2007

I was just thinking yesterday about how the kids these days miss out on Drive In’s. Even did a google search, guess California has the most. . . but none here in OC. Bummer Good luck with the review. A cell phone at 7 or 8?! Really?

April 25, 2007

I was just thinking yesterday about how the kids these days miss out on Drive In’s. Even did a google search, guess California has the most. . . but none here in OC. Bummer Good luck with the review. A cell phone at 7 or 8?! Really?