I’m looking forward to tomorrow….

Yup,  I’m looking forward to tomorrow; just want the week to be over already.  I took Wednesday off, didnt really do anything much but take David to go get his last shot, and his physical.  My baby is not a baby anymore well at least to anyone else but he will always be my little baby boy.  His doctor said he is doing great, a little over weight by two pounds.  He said David will be a big boy!

All I did yesterday was play around with him, he likes to pretend hes a boxer or a karate boy.  So we pretended he was kicking my butt. Then we went to pick up the girls at school and everytime he sees them he gets excited.  We went home and then it was time for J to go too work.  David took a nap from 5-7:30pm then he didnt want to go back to sleep.  I was so sleepy that finally I fell asleep and who knows what time that boy got tired.

I have alot of work to do today, thats usually how it goes. You miss a day of work and when you come back you have tons of work. I have no plans for this week but go grocery shopping, supply shopping and shoe shopping.  Beatriz went thru 3 pair of those ballet shoes that girls are into.  She wants black and white, so I have to go and buy them for her.

Today I have bible study with our group but I’m not going to go.  I’m exhausted, yesterday J and I were talking and I was telling him I want a day out not one day but two.  I dont want to be at home or work or anywhere else but just a nice getaway from here with the family.  He said I know you really need it but its kind of hard right now.  The reason he said this is cause of his schedule. Who knows when we’re going to be able to getaway, but I’m just exhausted and I hate seeing the same ugly city I live in.  I hate it, everywhere I go its just blah. 

Well I’m not in a good mood today, so I hope everyone is doing better than I am….

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Shoe shopping! That’s ALWAYS fun!

Shoe shopping! That’s ALWAYS fun!

July 12, 2007

I am having the blahs as well.

July 12, 2007

I am having the blahs as well.

July 12, 2007

RYN: Thanks! I had a pretty good birthday. I’m glad he’s not going…so glad. I know, I need a vacation. Not one where I take off from work & stay home…I need to go some place nice. When I get my tax check in Feb. I think I’m just going to go to a travel agent & book D & I a vacation. Like Hawaii…that would be awesome 🙂 Hope you have a better day!

July 12, 2007

RYN: Thanks! I had a pretty good birthday. I’m glad he’s not going…so glad. I know, I need a vacation. Not one where I take off from work & stay home…I need to go some place nice. When I get my tax check in Feb. I think I’m just going to go to a travel agent & book D & I a vacation. Like Hawaii…that would be awesome 🙂 Hope you have a better day!

July 12, 2007

I’m a stay at home mom, but I understand what you mean about the work. Anytime I decide that I’m going to take it easy for a day, there’s twice as much work the next day. I’m sorry you aren’t in a good mood today. I hope that changes for you soon.

July 12, 2007

I’m a stay at home mom, but I understand what you mean about the work. Anytime I decide that I’m going to take it easy for a day, there’s twice as much work the next day. I’m sorry you aren’t in a good mood today. I hope that changes for you soon.