Humpy Day

Gosh its only Wednesday, why are the days just taking longer and longer.  Yesterday I was checking online for some Christmas Cards.  Yup I just want it to get here.  I’m so ready for the fall and winter months.  The heat is getting to me I’m not into summer this year.  Put it this way, I threw my bathing suit away and I will not go out and buy one.  I went and bought the girls one but I refuse to by one for myself.

David is doing way better now! He is eating and is back to drinking his milk.  I had to pretend I was drinking his milk and since he doesnt do well with sharing he took it away and dranked it.  Ha in your face David I cheated you so you could drink the milk, arent mothers smart or what?

 laugh In other news, I was going to start taking some diet pills that this gal at work gets at her gym.  They are called Yellow Bullet.  I cant seem to find them online to see if they are cheaper.  She gets them for $89, and she lost alot of weight! I dont know you think I should take them?  She gave me a sample to try them for a week and they were great just made me kind of moody but otherwise they didnt make me hungry just pee alot.

Our anniversary is on the 30th of this month.   3 years of being married.  The first two years were hard now they are great I hope it stays this way.  I dont know what we will be doing yet, heck I dont even know what to get him.  I already told him what I want.  DKNY perfume!  He said he will get if for me, but I have to go with him to get it. Someday he will surprise me at least thats what I hope.

Well I gotta run have lots of crapola to do.


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July 18, 2007

I am so glad that he is doing better. I have been thinking about him.

July 18, 2007

I am so glad that he is doing better. I have been thinking about him.

July 18, 2007

i don’t really advocate diet pills because once you stop taking them you mentally go through changes that cause unlikely effects yanno. But that’s just my opinion. I m glad that David is eating again, cute trick to get him back eating lol. Happy early anniversary.

July 18, 2007

i don’t really advocate diet pills because once you stop taking them you mentally go through changes that cause unlikely effects yanno. But that’s just my opinion. I m glad that David is eating again, cute trick to get him back eating lol. Happy early anniversary.

July 18, 2007

im glad David is feeling better!

July 18, 2007

im glad David is feeling better!

July 18, 2007

I’m glad he’s doing better. Its hard when our kids are feeling crummy. As for the diet pills, The only thing I would say is if you’ve checked with the doc and they’ve said you don’t have any weird heart conditions you didn’t know about, then it should be fine. Just don’t use them as a life raft. You havve to try and eat right and exercise or else all the weight will come back, and then some

July 18, 2007

I’m glad he’s doing better. Its hard when our kids are feeling crummy. As for the diet pills, The only thing I would say is if you’ve checked with the doc and they’ve said you don’t have any weird heart conditions you didn’t know about, then it should be fine. Just don’t use them as a life raft. You havve to try and eat right and exercise or else all the weight will come back, and then some

July 18, 2007

when you stop. I saw it happen a lot when I worked at GNC. And the moodiness will most likely continue or get worse, but you can sometimes curb it from happening as long as you keep healthy snacks on hand.

July 18, 2007

when you stop. I saw it happen a lot when I worked at GNC. And the moodiness will most likely continue or get worse, but you can sometimes curb it from happening as long as you keep healthy snacks on hand.

July 19, 2007

Glad David is better. My girls are sick. M2 is better, M1 still sick today. I hate when they’re sick 🙁

July 19, 2007

Glad David is better. My girls are sick. M2 is better, M1 still sick today. I hate when they’re sick 🙁