Gosh I was so depressed

I never knew I can be so motivated, so enthusiastic so joyful until today. Don’t know why I ever got to be so negative in life. But that’s in the past, because the new Josie has taken over this year.  It’s nice to be so happy and motivated for once. Enjoying life to the fullest is the best thing.

This morning I tried one of my Calvin Klein jeans that I liked, size 12, forget that they are so loose I lost weight! Thanks sexy guy, you know who you are! Yes the one who has the nice abs, no Charlie sorry not you.  Loosing weight is fun, makes you feel really better in the outside and inside. I don’t want to loose to much just fit in a size 8, I think I went to a size 11 or maybe even a 10. I will have to wait and see. Last night J and I were talking about my new job, I was telling him that the gals in my new job dress really nice and pretty and little old me doesn’t have professional clothes to wear.

My current job here lets me dress casual so it’s not so professional. J said to give him a month he will start buying me nice clothes.

I had really pretty clothes when I was with my ex, but I gained weight after I had David that I gave all my old clothes away! I cried so much because I fitted in a size 3 but I thought I was all good and hot then. I have a picture of myself when I was that skinny and my gosh you can see my bones. I was skinny, the things we loose when we have kids.

Some women are lucky that they stay skinny, like my sister she is skinny and has 3 boys! I in the other hand am the thick one, but the smart one. LOL

It rained last night; it’s so cold right now. We can’t handle this type of cold, I think California people are to spoil. Don’t you think so? We get one rain and we over exaggerate with jackets, scarf’s, mittens, hats. Etc., I tell you this because I am one of them. But I like California, and then there are those moods I go into where I hate California. I guess it changes depending on the mood I am in.

Well this entry has no meaning so later guys I have to go do my resignation letter. I will post it here so you all can read it.

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January 5, 2007
January 5, 2007
January 5, 2007


January 5, 2007


January 5, 2007

I think most people here have love/hate relationships with California, is as expensive as hell and yet the beaches, weather are sooooooo dang nice. Uggg. how come there cant be two California, but one being cheaper and not so many phoney baloney people.

January 5, 2007

I think most people here have love/hate relationships with California, is as expensive as hell and yet the beaches, weather are sooooooo dang nice. Uggg. how come there cant be two California, but one being cheaper and not so many phoney baloney people.

How are you losing weight? Who’s sexyguy? I am all bundled up today, jacket & scarf. I love it.

How are you losing weight? Who’s sexyguy? I am all bundled up today, jacket & scarf. I love it.