Good old Thursday……..

Good old Thursday, glad tomorrow is Friday, wish I didnt have to come in.  But what the heck we get 1/2 day.  Anyways someone asked me if my girls still believe in the Easter Bunny well they do.  Actually I think my 8 year old doesnt believe in Santa or the bunny but she plays it off because I think she thinks that if she pretends she’ll still get a present and if she doesnt believe we wont get her nothing.  But she hasnt said anything about not believing so I just go on with the flow. 

In fact she circled on the calendar Easter Bunny.  How cute is that she is all organized I tell you.  J and I were talking about them and he mentioned how sweet it is that they dont care for their biological dad and love him so much.  Honestly yeah they do love J alot they ask were he goes and if they can go along with him.  I’m glad things turned out fine that side.

Oh yesterday I called the child support office here in California since my case is here.  I asked them if I can file a case over in Virginia since the ex lives over there and they said I can but to call first.  So I called Virginia child support office and they informed me I can file a case over there too, you see the ex, "S", has his driver license suspended here in California due to non-paying payments but not in Virginia so thats the reason why I want to file one over there.  I’m going to get all my paperwork ready and mail it over the weekend.  He owes alot of money in child support, who knows if he will ever pay back.

J was reading the court documents he was like funny that you decided to do this on the day that you got divorced.  Yeah it was weird yesterday I felt like calling the child support and doing more you know.  I didnt even know that yesterday on April 4th was the day I got divorced 3 years later I’m still trying to make him pay.  I need to take him back to court and finalized it, I want to get full custody with no visitations so he wont come someday wanting to visit them.  I want to be able to move out of California without letting him know. 

Changing the subject its cloudy and foggy in my area.  I would like to drive up to the mountains right about now with J.  I miss him when I’m not with him.  But then I get home and he bugs me.  Yeah I know I’m weird I dont even understand myself.  Do you?

Well I gotta run, Have a great day.

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April 5, 2007

I hate dealing with child support. I am so glad that he pays regularly now. I told Ryan not to ruin Easter and Christmas for Sam. He knows the truth, but she is too little so Ryan makes out because of this. LOL!!

April 5, 2007

I hate dealing with child support. I am so glad that he pays regularly now. I told Ryan not to ruin Easter and Christmas for Sam. He knows the truth, but she is too little so Ryan makes out because of this. LOL!!

April 5, 2007

have a great easter!

April 5, 2007

have a great easter!

I wish it were just fog here, we just got 2 feet of snow and got snowed in last night! But yeah gray skies here too lol, cant wait for summer! Have a great day! 🙂

I wish it were just fog here, we just got 2 feet of snow and got snowed in last night! But yeah gray skies here too lol, cant wait for summer! Have a great day! 🙂