update *finally*

Sorry I have been neglecting my od duties, I seem to spend most of my time on facebook instead. The concert was really good, we were quite far back so didn’t get the kind of photos I managed to take last time. My frriend at work got married a few weeks ago and Mike and I went to the wedding and reception, she looked really beautiful – I shall try and work out how to upload some photos in this entry.

I ended up having to go home sick from work on Friday as I felt really tired and a bit out of it, I went to the doctors that evening and my doctor said I still look very unwell and offered to sign me off work. I am going to try and stick it out and see what happens on Tuesday as I have an appointment to see one of the doctors at work available to staff members so I can explain that I waiting for an appointment at the hospital to have an endoscopy so I am hoping that I might be able to get bumped up the waiting list a bit if it starts to effecft my work and I can tell them that my doctor thinks I should be signed off sick as very weak. I just want to be better again, I cannot remember the last time I felt normal. Mike is really patient but we can’t do anything as I get tired and dizzy. He misses me looking after his needs and I feel guilty that I can’t do things for him.

Ok I tried to upload the pics but can’t seem to do it – I joined that photo bucket place and uploaded to there but I don’t know how to put them on an entry???

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March 14, 2010

🙁 I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling bad, I hope the doctors manage to sort you out soon! *hugs* Once you’ve got your photos on Photobucket, go to write an entry and click the icon that’s a yellow square with mountains and copy & paste the URL into the pop-up. :)xx