Pussy Pics.


Oh come on……you didn’t really think….. You know I’m not like that….well……not that much anyway….OK I’ll shut up!
But really here are the photos of the cats. I’ve included a pic of when they were first with us and you can see how small they are. I could have both of them sleeping in my arm. Now I can only get one , which is usually Bonnie, and the other ends up draped over my arm, if they both try.

They were tiny, bless ’em.

Sleepy time on the Play Centre.

It’s in the bag!

The Explorer..with Clyde saying "nothing to do with me!"

Whadya mean I’m not supposed to be up here?

Aren’t they just gorgeous? LOL

That’s all for now,




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i foresee christmas decorations strewn from room to room………lovely cats

December 3, 2009

…while I forsee, No OTHER christmas decorations, but them!! I Like your CAT pic’s Harley. Cheers, Emmi

December 3, 2009

aaawwwww!!! Absolutely adorable, both of them….I can so see why you are smitten. hugs to them and you…P

December 3, 2009

Kittehs!!! With a grin…

December 4, 2009

Almost didn’t go here. But then I remembered your sense of humour so I wasn’t worried. 🙂

December 4, 2009

awww!! i ruv kitty pictures 🙂 thanks for sharing!

How cute! The orange/white one reminds me so much of my cat, Leo.

December 7, 2009

I see little imps have moved in to stay. So how many days to go….. 🙂

December 19, 2009

What darling kittens! Random noter….