Life sux sometimes!


Why, just when you think you’ve turned a corner and life isn’t too bad, does it turn round and kick you in the groin?
I am sure there are people a lot worse off than us in the world, but over the last 3 years life has dealt us a few nasty blows.
Today I was at mother’s fixing up her new phone, a cordless one which will be easier for her. Dawn was out shopping with Vicki. Lee phoned me saying he was at the Vet’s.  Clyde, our 10-month old ginger n white cat , had been hit by a car and killed. He (Lee) had gone up there in his car (he passed his test last week!) after getting a call from them telling him about the accident. They had our number as Clyde had a micro-chip in his neck. He went to collect the cat to bring him home, rang me so I raced home too. On the way I phoned Dawn and told her. When I got home Dawn was already there with Vicki and the pair of them were in tears at the back of Lee’s car. Clyde was lying in a box, cold, stiffening up, with blood underneath his head. Apparently the person who had hit him, put him in a box and rang the vet straight away. By the time that phone call had finished Clyde was  dead, so I guess he didn’t suffer too much. It was obviously a head injury.
Clyde had already wove a huge space in our hearts. He was such a character. He used to come in and wrap himself around Dawn’s neck for some fuss. We used to call him the ginger scarf. Almost every morning around 4.30 AM he’d walk over Dawn and me and wake us up for some fuss. The other night he fell asleep again in the crook of my arm and shoulder with his head on my face, purring away. He was very loving….when he wanted to be. He loved his food, he used to curl up close with Bonnie at times, or beat her up at others.  We just find it so hard to lose him so young .
I know it’s been ages since I wrote here. Work is getting busy and I love it still. I’m out a lot on the bike either commuting or ride-outs with the Owners Club. And I am sorry this is such a sad entry but I really needed to write somewhere.
I’ll try to catch with everyone soon.
In the meantime…….R.I.P. Clyde, we’ll miss you so much.


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May 2, 2010

*hugs* I am so so sorry. I know some people say they are just pets… but they are furry little children who work into our hearts so fast. Prayers are with you!

I am so sorry about Clyde. I know how much you love your kitties. At least he didn’t suffer too much. But that still doesn’t help the pain in your heart. You and your family will be in my prayers.

im so so sorry. here with lenore who will be put down tomorrow thinking of us both right now xoxo

May 2, 2010

poor beautiful Clyde, such a sudden and unexpected ending but hopefully a relatively painless one. My heart goes out to you and yours….I know how deeply our pets become family and a huge part of our lives ( my Honey went the same way 18 months ago and I still miss her). Big hugs, and its good to see you back here even under these sad circumstances. xxp

May 2, 2010

Animals are family and I am sorry for your loss.

May 2, 2010

I’m so sorry. It’s soooo hard to lose our beloved pets. And yet, we keep getting more, huh?

Im so sorry. I know it feels as though a child has died, and the hole they leave behind is enormous, as you say. It’ll take time to stop seeing him eveywhere, but talking about him certainly helps. We still talk about our animal-children been gone 12 years now, & still have a giggle about them. Emmi

May 3, 2010

so sorry about clyde. he was so young. it’s hard to lose our furry babies. take care,

May 3, 2010

I’m so sorry to hear about this. Hugs to you and your family. With deepest sympathy…

May 7, 2010

Oh no 🙁 *HUGS* It’s hard losing a loved one. Pets are never just pets. They come into your lives and steal your hearts. They’re always there, you can trust them with anything, they hug you when you need it… I’m sorry about Clyde. HUGZ