Life After Retirement….

…. has been good so far.

Obviously, with older age comes the  usual aches and pains. Arthritis is my constant companion these days. My knees, hips and, of all things, my thumbs are suffering, especially on cold days.   Knees I can put down to all my years of being a biker, and my hip to some extent. I’m pretty sure, though, that it more due to my left leg being shorter than my right after my bike accident back in ’94. My right hip has been compensating for it and wearing out quicker. Thumbs, now there is an unusual one.  I am blaming all the hours spent on my PS5 playing Call of Duty, which fills most of my days now. I started playing back in 2016/17 to have some fun with my grandson, Logan, and its just gone on from there.  Pretty much bought the new game every year, though there have been a few I have missed due to not being interested in their style (too futuristic).   Bit of escapism never hurt anyone LOL.

Also finished the book I had been writing for about 5 years! Procrastination is a wonderful thing.  Now I’ve just got to sort out publishing it. Do I go with a publisher or self-publish? I managed to get a Diploma in CopyReading/ProofReading  during my “working hours” while at home, but still think I should get the manuscript looked at by someone else due  to my personal involvement with it. But at what cost?

These days of just getting a pension does make the financial situation a little tight these days. I do have a couple of work pensions but I started them late and they don’t pay out a huge amount.  I get enough to be able to do the Lottery each week and hope!!

I help out a bit more around the house than I used to, but Dawn has run such a tight ship in that respect I feel I am in the way sometimes. Luckily there aren’t too many DIY jobs that need doing as I admit to being bloody hopeless at that sort of thing! I have managed to cobble  some things together when repairs were needed, but heaven forbid there is ever anything major required.

Sadly  bikes have taken a back seat nowadays. I packed up in 2016 when we moved to Cornwall. My last bike was a Triumph Thunderbird Storm, a 1700cc parallel twin. It was a beautiful bike and I loved every minute of the 2 years I owned it. But it was a heavy bike, and with my knees beginning to play up I found it increasingly difficult to move about. I also made the promise to Dawn that I wouldn’t get another 2-wheeler. Turns out she was a wreck every time I went out on a bike after accidents that Lee and I had.  I didn’t want that for Dawn which is why I made the promise, and no matter how much I miss a bike, and believe me I really do, I will not go back on that promise. If we should ever be in a position to have spare disposable income then I will be getting a trike, which Dawn has said that would be fine and she wouldn’t have a problem with one of those. Guess we’ll have to wait and see if we ever manage to get some spare cash!

Well, just a short entry for today.  I don’t know if I’ll be posting every day. Retirement life isn’t exactly riveting with endless experiences occurring.

Take care, peeps.




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6 days ago

Retirement sounds pretty great! I’m retiring at the end of January, and am getting very excited about it now after spending a lot of time worrying about the financial aspects, because worrying about everything is what I do best 😂 Congratulations on the book! That’s what I’m looking forwards to most – time to actually focus on writing and finish what I’ve been working on for a gazillion years-

6 days ago

@ednamillion Yeah finances are stretched but I don’t worry about them.  If I  haven’t got it they can’t have it! LOL. It’s great not having to answer to anyone but yourself these days (or significant other). Look forward to it, well worth it.