It’s finally happened!


So….the time has come. HARLEY is no more 🙁
I thought it was time to lay the name to rest now that I am no longer riding a Harley Davidson , or even harbouring a desire to have another. I will never say I hate them. I still love the look, I love the history behind them, and I am still a shareholder (despite the problems they’re having!) , I just can’t see me owning one again. (Unless I win a competition sometime LOL).
So the dilemma was what to have as a new name? I was thinking of TTRider, as my bike is a Triumph Trophy, and I use that name in FarmTown on Facebook.   (Yes, yes I am on there too! It’s something to do. LOL) But then I thought if I get rid of the Trophy sometime and buy a Sprint or some other Triumph I’d have to change the name again. So I opted for RNBiker , which stands for Registered Nurse and is one I have used for some time on various websites and email addys. So that’s it.
Of course , the name change doesn’t mean a personality transplant, and I’m still the same old huggable, funny, charming , witty, modest me that I’ve always been!!!!.
Work’s been pretty much the same. Same old ailments day in day out, still got members of staff that will not pull their weight. I actually complained to our new Clinical Nurse Lead about one shift I did where 4 others were slacking and just me was busting my butt to get the patients seen. I stated that this wasn’t an isolated case and there were several others that spend more time chatting than seeing patients, and guess what she did about it? Absolutely bugger all!!!! And people ask why I’m leaving!! Oh well only 8 days to go! I officially leave on the 17th, but I’ve got 6.5 hours of leave to take, plus a half-hour time owing from working over on THAT shift. As I only work 7.5 hours a day, I ‘officially’ only need to work for a half-hour. I might just use this to take some cakes and drinks in for my colleagues….I sure as hell don’t plan to do any work! LOL
Lee goes for the second attempt at his theory test tomorrow, so we are keeping our fingers crossed for that. He is the last member of the family to take a car test. Both the girls have passed , as has Dawn. If he passes the Theory he will put straight in for his practical driving test and should hopefully get it for January some time.
And that’s all the update for now. At least it’s quicker than last time!
Take care all.

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December 8, 2009

was surprised to see a new name in my faves and had to check it out. guess you had to let go of ‘harley’. sad, though. hope your new job is all that you want it to be. can’t say as i blame you for leaving the old one. take care,

December 8, 2009

Nice new name

‘something to do’………??????? HAH! from the looks it of it, it’s ALL you do…..::ducking outta here::

December 8, 2009

I love the name change, I am just so glad you waited for my return otherwise I might have never found you again on this site. Wait what am I saying… I think I would have found you with little effort, all I would have to do is look for this bright, hug able, funny, charming , witty, aura you leave behind in your wake. Forgive me, I could not include modest.

December 8, 2009

Oh I love it. I think this page is fabulous. Thanx 4 letting me know of your name change. I thought: “Oi,Oi, – only Harley writes ‘Hugz’ in that way”.:D Sorry that Harley, the bike – is no more, still, you have a Triumph, and you can only ride one bike at a time, huh?? Emmi

December 8, 2009

I wondered who it was!!!! lol How about Triumphant Rider ? lol hugs P

December 8, 2009

awww *laughs* you and your bikes.. You know.. reading you reminds me so much of my father.. well if he were a biker .. but you remind me of him a bit sometimes.. i dunno. its the overall glow of you 🙂 its a joy for me to read you.

December 8, 2009

well, you’re the only nurse/biker i know, so maybe i had an easy guess!

December 9, 2009

ryn: having emotions, exploring them are one thing.. sharing and expressing them is an entirely different ball game. It has taken a lot of hard work over the last few years.. and i still struggle 🙂

December 9, 2009

ryn: *laughs* yeah.. NOW you can see that.. but what i was talking about happened years ago and jsut at the start of expressing.. and consciously sharing 🙂 I am much different now than I was 4 or even 2 years ago.

I love the new name!

OK, here are your interview questions: 1. You are only able to eat one food for the entire year. What would it be? 2. Tell me what your dream vacation would be. Money is no object. 3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 4. If you had to choose to drink only one kind of alcoholic beverage for the rest of your life, which would you choose? 5. You are barrelling down the road at breakneck speed. You see there are 5 kittens in the road. If you swerve to avoid hitting them you are going to hit a deer. If you don’t swerve, the kittens are dead. The other side of the road is a cliff, so if you swerve in that direction you are dead. What do you do?

December 9, 2009

🙂 Nice.