First Day


Well, first day at work was wonderful.   Started at 10.00 am and finished at 12.30!
The weather really performed. Overnight we’d had another inch of snow and sub-zero temperatures. I set off at 0830 as I knew the weather was bad. It started snowing again as I left the house. For the first 30 miles it was snow all the way and wasn’t a nice journey. As I left one main road and joined another the snow disappeared and for the rest of the journey (another 30 miles).
When I got there I was presented with loads of stuff that I needed for the job. A laptop, mobile phone, Books, paperwork, instructions, etc. Then the Clinical Operations Manager (COM), who had interviewed me, went through my diary and gave me contacts to get in touch with over the next couple of weeks to introduce myself to them.
After 2.5 hours, the snow was beginning to fall at this end of the county as well now. Karen, (the COM) decided I had had enough brain food for one day and said I could go home! When I set off the snow was coming down heavily and again, the first part of the journey was not nice at all. Then when I got back onto the main road up to Peterborough the snow cleared again. Took me 1.5 hrs to get home again. I had a few minutes to have some lunch and a cuppa then I got to work on my new laptop, got it hooked up to our network, tested the email and company server connection which worked nicely. I then started reading the stuff I had been given, and did that for the next 3 hours! I did actually finish “work” at 17.00 so I did a fullish day work!
Tomorrow I meet the same colleague I did before the job was confirmed, at the same surgery. And on Friday I meet another one at the City Care Clinic, which is where the Walk-In Centre is! Didn’t expect to visit that place so soon again! Next week I have to go to Bury St. Edmunds which is around 80 miles away! At least I get allowance for doing all these miles!
Right that’s about it for the first day. Hope you’re all keeping up with the JaSurMo’s LOL.
Take care All

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I’m so glad your first day turned out good and glad you made it home safely in all that snow! ryn: Haha! That was good!

January 6, 2010

sounds like it was good you were able to go home early, you are probably really snowed in by now. Our newcasts over here say UK is having the biggest snow dump in decades. Keep safe, warm and dry. hugs P

January 6, 2010

Congrats on your first day! Your first day at work, and my first day of my semester. 🙂

January 6, 2010

Wow, so happy to read about your new job. I hope it will be very satisfying and filled with lots of new challenges which will keep you happy. You drive a long way to work, huh?

January 7, 2010

sounds like your first day was a very good one. and i’m glad you get milage. take care,

January 7, 2010

Seems the entire Northern Hemisphere’s being ‘snowed under.’ You just be veery careful on those roads, as you’re travelling about eh? Got Chains? There are pics coming up on our news bulletins about cars driving in snow turned to ice. Not a pretty picture! Be careful, Travelling blessings to you & family. Emmi