…. damnit, F*CK being sad.

The following is an e-mail from my life-long and best-friend in Troy, Montana : ::

"’ll be sending some pics in a while. Hey, did I ever tell you about
Mr. Groff? Well if I didn’t I will now. First off he was the coolest
Fucking teacher in the world. Even cooler than Mr. Smith and Mr.
Dasios. He was also my Football coach for 2 years and my Basketball
coach for 3 years. He was also going to be my track coach this
year. I had his Writing II class last semester. He was going to be my
coach and teacher untill I graduated but last Friday we was in a car
accident and was killed. It really blows. Today was the worst day of
shcool ever. He was so damn cool. His mom was here and I talked to
her for a while today. She was here getting his stuff and talking to
the students because she knew some of us because Groff told her about
us and she knew that he really had fun being around us. With out him
Troy is just empty and gay. What really sucks is that you never got to
met him. But if you did you would of loved him as a coach and
teacher. Any way just thought you would want to have some up dates
about Troy. I gunna go so I’ll see ya later"

This is horrible….. and only about 2 months ago, one of our best-friends in our "clique", Raleigh (Ra-lee) was in Mosul, Iraq, as you imagine there was a suicide bombing but he was in a Hummer so he wasn’t hurt by the bomb, after the explosion as he rolled down his window an Iraqi put his AK in the window and shot him in the head twice and his neck. I was so sad when I heard.. the ceremony was beautiful held in the Rocky Mtn, snow covered one and only Troy, Montana, with that I just hate it when my friends are sad, it makes me sad too… ttyl,


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Aww I’m sowwie about that.About both lives being lost.I havent necessarily experienced a death yet with anyone who is close to me.I dont think I’d be able to handle it..actually I know I wont be able to.But–I do hope things get betta for both of yahz.Try to be happy and smile though.Stay sweet 🙂 –Natisha

I’m sorry *hugs* Things will get better!

hey there, sorry about all of that. if you need to talk, i’m here for ya. Just a phone call, or an I.M away. keep rockin and feel better

no problem. but you shouldn’t do that. i used to be like that (still am, considering i haven’t learned my lesson) and now look at me, i sit down in front of the computer, munching on grahm crackers, making friends that i dont know if i can trust or not in order to have atleast a false sense of security. (no, i really am eating grahm crackes, dat stuff is da shiz niz!) so yeah, dont be like me.

aww…i am so sorry that happened…if u want to talk…i am here…we had some problems simular to that a while back and i swear hhs was cursed for a while…keep ur head high!*HUGE HUGS*