NoJoMo – All Souls’ Day

profile for riverwolfe

I think that I am going to use my NoJoMo entries to impart some Wiccan information onto my diary. I know that there are other things going on with NoJoMo this month, but I am taking this time to read and share some of the things that are a part of my religion.

All Souls’ Day
November 2

Tradition holds that the souls of the deceased return on All Soul’s Day to partake in a candlelit “Silent Supper” with their loved ones. The dear departed are guided home by candles burning at the window by their earthly kin, who set an extra place at the table in readiness for the long-awaited visitors, and then serve up a portion of food on the visitor’s plate. This ancient feast day was adopted by early Christians; today, Christians pray for the souls of the dead to be cleansed of the sins they acquired on earth.

The ancient Egyptians celebrated the Feast of Hathor, goddess of the heavens, fertility, love and beauty, on this day. She was usually depicted as a woman with the horns of a cow. Celebrate the symbolic maternal of the cow and her nurturing life-giving milk by preparing a meal to share with friends or loved ones.

The proceeding information was taken from The Wiccan Books of Days: Observances, Traditions, and Lore for Every Day of the Year by Selena Eilidh Ash.

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November 2, 2008

Interesting information. Thanks for sharing!

November 2, 2008

i really enjoyed reading this 🙂

November 2, 2008

Very interesting. Love learning about your beliefs!