A little of this, a little of that.

profile for riverwolfe

I haven’t written in a while again and I really have no excuse other than to say that while I was on the road, more things seemed to happen that stuck in my mind than happen at home. After all, I don’t think I want to write about my sex life in an Open Diary all that often. People would either get bored or turn into some kind of freakish voyeurs.

But, there are a few things going on that I thought would be worth mentioning.

First and foremost, after getting the head off of the Isuzu and getting it to the local machine shop, it has been determined that the head is NOT cracked after all. Yippee! But I still need to have it reworked and resurfaced and that still costs money. Which…

…is coming this weekend from an unexpected source. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I purchased a set of aluminum ramps from a truck parts seller in Granite City, IL. I never used them and when I left Landstar, I stored them. Well, I put them onto Craig’s List and got a reply a couple of weeks ago and the person will be here tomorrow to purchase them. So, the money needed to fix the Isuzu will be here tomorrow.

On top of that, I did go to the doctor last week and got a couple of prescriptions that I feel I need now. One is Ambien. I have been having trouble sleeping as of late…especially since the whole fiasco with Marten went down. But, to help with the shakes and anxiety that I have been attacked with, I was also prescribed Ativan. Both seem to be helping me.

Gina and I have been doing the spring cleaning thing and man if the house doesn’t look a lot better. Our hope is that with both of us home that it will remain that way from now on and we can invite friends over. Up to now, we’ve been embarrassed to invite friends to our house. Now, all we need to do is rid ourselves of some cats!

I had hoped, when looking at the schedule of the Memphis Redbirds, that I, and a bunch of friends, would be able to attend a particular game that is playing on the 3rd and 4th of April. Unfortunately, I was deceived by the Redbirds website and the tickets were not $16, but were $45 a piece instead. So, it looks as if a friend and I area the only two going to the exhibition game between the Memphis Redbirds and their parent team, the St. Louis Cardinals! Considering I’m a Cardinals fan, and my friend is also, I think we’ll enjoy the game immensely.

I guess we’ll just have to get a group together for a baseball game at a later date.

Till Next Time,

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March 20, 2009
March 20, 2009
March 20, 2009

How many cats do you have?

March 20, 2009

Sex, did you say sex???? 🙂 Teehee see ya later dahling

March 20, 2009

I’m sure J and I can find some entertainment while you boys are watching baseball…..hmmmm where is that Chippendale’s schedule?? lol And you’re right……there are more perils than you can imagine when talking about YOUR sexlife on OD, I will say this…..Boredom wouldn’t be one of them hehe

March 21, 2009

I think you and Rich going to the game is going to be a great thing for BOTH of you! I’m sure Dixie and I can find some troubl… errr…. find a way to entertain ourselves. And possibly others. As for reading about your sex life . . . lalalalalalaaaa I can’t seeeeeeee those entries!!!

March 22, 2009
March 23, 2009

glad you are getting the money you need to fix the car! good!