Sweet dreams x
Lots of people ask about my sleeping routine, people here and people that I see…
The truth is me and Mummy think our routine is just fine as it is, we only tried making more of a routine of it because every one tells us we need to! I sleep pretty well. I only wake my Mummy and Daddy up if I want milk, which is usually once a night, then I’m very good at going back to sleep right after. In fact if I get to sleep in the big bed, then I don’t even wake mummy up for my feed – Daddy saw me helping my self while she slept this morning, lol!! I used to fall asleep some time after my bath and feed while cuddeling mummy, she’d put me to bed and come to bed later. But every one round here who has babies keeps talking about how their baby doesn’t sleep well now that they are bigger, and their mummy’s wish they’d started sleep routines months ago. Hence I now have a more specific bed time, go thorugh a ‘time for sleep’ routine, and get put in my moses basket. How ever I’m used to falling asleep when I’m tired and then being carried to bed, so sometimes I don’t agree with this and ask to get out again!
This is where the controversy starts. I’ll warn you that my Mummy is a very stuborn mummy and as much as she’ll listen to advice, if she’s made her mind up about something then that’s that!
1. Mummy figures I’ll sleep in more of a routine naturally when I’m eating real food. Lots of babies eat real food from 4 months, but recently all the nice people who look after us changed their guide lines, and say 6 months is best. My mummy figures the Dr’s and mid wives know more than she does about these things and so she’s sticking to their suggestion, I’ll get a taste of real food in about a month when I’m 6 months old. New research is done on things all the time, and if it’d supposed to be better for me why not wait 4 wks? Mummy thinks if sh’ed had more babies before she might be reluctant to change old idea’s with out understanding why, but since Mummy has only had me, she is following the advice of the nice people who have helped her know what to do with me up until now! Lots of people, including my Nanny and Mummy’s friends, try to talk her out of it and say I should eat now. It really isn’t going to happen! I am happy with milk right now, I don’t go hungry, and always seem satisfied, so unless that changes, I’m sticking to the white stuff a little longer!
2. Mummy does not like the Gina Ford approach at all! Lots of mummy’s friends have just had babies, and the whole ‘cry them to sleep routine’ actually seems to work for some of them, but it’s not Mummy’s way of doing things. Mummy says there’s no right or wrong with these things, but that some things suit some families and not others. She thought about it lots, but it’s just not for us. One of mummy’s most trusted friends uses a similar cry down method, and she is someone my mummy respects as a sensible woman, good friend and amazing mother. So Mummy can see it must be a good thing for some people, just not us thanks.
We don’t have sleep issues right now, and even bringing a routine in to things hasn’t beeen all that dificult.
Mummy is inspired by a book called ‘sleep with out tears’ and figures she’ll resort to that if I give her problems in the future. She hates to hear me cry and worries that I’d think she isn’t there for me if she just leaves me in tears. Also Mummy has been thinking that all the baby books say ‘don’t send your child to bed as a punishment, it makes them relate bed with being told off and feeling negative…’ Well what does crying in bed every night teach me if it isn’t to feel negative about bed time?!
We are both happier this way, and Mummy wants to cherish my childhood with me, with both of us being happy. Apparently big people cry them selves to sleep over big things that make them sad, and I don’t need to be starting already! It isn’t easy being a baby and not knowing what this big wide world is all about, some times we just need our Mummy’s for a bit of security. One day there will be something wrong that Mummy can’t solve, but for this blissfully simple time of my life, when a cuddle with Mummy makes it all okay, we’re going to make the most of it.
3. My mummy figures she can’t be doing too much wrong as I am a good girl, I am healthy, the nice peoplewho look after us and weigh me etc are very happy with me, and EVERY ONE says what a happy smiley girl I am!
4. Mummy hopes not too offend any one by being so stuborn, she’s aware that she’s far far from being an expert on the subject, but she wants to do what she feels is right by me, because I’m her prescious one x
I’m actually quite surprised such a thing hasn’t happened yet. It seems like it should have occurred by now. I have gotten together with a total of 4 Diarists all together, including my ex when we went to visit two other Diarists back in the day. Now, that was fun.
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Mummy, you’re mad but i love it 😛 and Ripley…I’m glad to hear you’re a good little girl but come on, give your mum a few “pulling her out hair” moments to even the score with other parents 😛 jk x
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Amen to this- it’s very clear Norlands disagrees with Gina Ford too- and since they have over 100 years expoerience I’ll go with their view! An idea- should you have trouble in a few months, is to look into an online ‘sleep nanny’ I can get your Mum some websites if you want, a couple I’d recommend, the idea being that for a week,. or 2 weeks, Mummy and the nanny talk on the phone, or email everyday, discussing how you slept the night before and getting you into the best routine- something IO can attest to, having just spent 3 months looking after a baby who has slept 7 till 7 every evening from 3 months old. 🙂 xxxx
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I actually agree with your mummy for most of this sweetheart. I felt exactly the same way about controlled crying in the early days and it wasn’t something I wanted to do, until Kayleigh left me with absolutely no choice. It really was a last resort. The important thing is that you and your mum find something your both happy with. What worries me is, what could be two or three nights of crying…
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.. for you now, at this age, could avoid 5 or 6 months of crying later on when your older, if mummy finds herself having the same problems we did. But since she has a back up plan, I guess its all good! Consider yourself a lucky little mite! I do think its a tiny bit cheeky that you only wake up through the night when you’re in your bed but not when you’re in mummy’s… can’t say I blame u though!
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Tell mommy to go with her gut. Books, drs & other mums may know things, but SHE will know best if she listens to her heart. *HUGS*
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