Coworker Crush

I haven’t had a crush on someone for a really time. I’m in a great relationship and have been in one for 10+ years. I would never cheat! I care and love my partner too much to ever do that. I would feel horrible if the relationship ever ended.

My issue? A fellow coworker! I have a really giant crush on him. He’s cute, sweet, smart, funny and also in a relationship!

I don’t get to see him much, but the last month and a half I have been seeing him more frequently. Some changes at work have caused us to spend long periods of time together. This is where the problem is.

I get really excited and happy when I know I will be seeing him. I get nervous and butterflies in my stomach. It’s the best and worst feeling!

I find myself thinking of him often and how it would be if we were together. After these thoughts I feel completely horrible and depressed. I just wish these feelings would just go away.

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