My repsonse to a note.

What is Damnation? The state of being damned. And what does that mean? To be unfit for so-called heaven? Atheists certainly are damning them by that mark. By what measure do we hold, and with what authority do we feel we have to make ourselves better than others? Oh, but we must compare ourselves to others to find our own worth. Instead of trying to be the best you can be, you merely work on trying to be better than someone else, something that makes for a narrow target. Why be better than any one person when you could strive to be better than yourself.

Fairy tales, what of fairy tales? What of parables, what of metaphors, riddles? Have they no use? Have they no hidden meaning to distill? Nothing to think about to change you?

Another failure on the part of logic is that religion is not capable of doing things on it’s own. Religion is a tool. It is an axe, a hammer, a chisel. It is about the application of the tool, it is about power. Power and control. That is often used through a religious front because of the faith people put into it. It’s about abuse of power. Abuse of power by people. Normal, every-day, humans. Religion holds no power without those who believe in it, and it is not the religion that is flawed, but the way in which people use it. And too many people are using it as a sword. Theist and atheist alike.

Put down your sword and rest a while. Catch your breath and look into the face of your so called "foe." Everyone needs to see this and yet no one does. Must we seek the differences between us? Is there no other way to see ourselves but through others? I can think of nothing more infantile than to constantly be so lacking in your life that you have to seek out others to make yourself more confident in your own world.

But yet, we form into groups to make ourselves feel stronger and more powerful and we exert or power on the world. But by what authority do we wield this power? Only self appointed. We will continue to tear at ourselves as a set of societies until there is nothing left below the skin. We do it to ourselves, every dig at one is a dig at oneself. Juvenile to think that we can insult any other person and not see it as a reflection of ourselves.   Yet, we all try to get under each others skin. 



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