My problem with Atheists on OD.

It is often said that common people talk about other people, good people talk about events and great people talk about ideas. Though generally I agree with that statement sometimes to achieve the latter you must do either one or both of the before mentioned. That being said this isn’t a personal attack against the two diarists I’ll be mentioning. First and foremost this is about atheism. Or specifically how atheists go about their "mission" especially here on OD.

The absurdity of it is mind boggling. On Atheist Under Ur Bed’s front page he states that his intent is to "…encourage [his] fellow atheists while helping theists see the light." I don’t know if he meant to phrase it that way…but that’s exactly what sites devoted to the conversion of atheists to Christians say. Atheists are so concerned with opening up the eyes of others of converting theists to their way. How is this any different than Christian Evangelism? They say that they are spreading the truth as it really is as opposed to the imaginary truths of religion. Instead of rewriting everything I’d stated before my response to that is in an entry I wrote recently found here.

What bothers me most about atheists here on OD is that they don’t add anything to knowledge. Both AUUB and AnAtheistsPhilosophy are guilty of this most grievous sin. They post news articles and blogs written by other people. What information do they contribute? They quote, this does nothing to further their case, but rather the case of those that they quote demonstrating that they follow rather than lead. If they seek to "enlighten" theists they cannot do so by attacking theism. That will lead only to their latching on all the more to their beliefs. Their goals can only be achieved by discourse. Something I haven’t seen AUUB capable of (I’ve briefly talked with AAP on other media and discussed with him, though he did fall back on quoting…). In order to influence you have to understand, in order to understand you have to listen. "Defeating" religion on a large scale is impossible. It is imbecilic to even attempt such an arrogant goal. Discussing your ideas and philosophies will get others interested and open to them, and then discussions can begin and a sharing of ideas.

Trying to change a persons beliefs is arrogant. Instead merely try to let them see that there are other viable options and let them choose of their own free will. Don’t try to force it on them with attacks against their system. You don’t like it when people do it to you, why do it to them?

Another point of fault is hiding behind statistics. Now, I’m sure that AUUB took more than his fair share of mathematics courses in college, and he probably took various calculus and statistics courses so he should know the fundamental fact behind statistics. They are subjective. Ten different people can analyze the same data ten different ways and come up with ten different answers each….and they are all right. Statistics are manipulated by the reporter to achieve their goal. This is a fact and cannot be argued. Another problem with statistics lies in the atheists’ argument that they are just as (if not more) morally and ethically sound than theists. Okay, admitting that as true and seeing an atheist commit a crime then theists can commit a crime because they are just as moral/ethical as atheists. That being said if 76% of America is theistic then it stands to reason that at least 76% of all crimes are committed by theists. Also, it seems that lower income families are more prone to theism and crime. Are the two related? That is, are lower income atheists just as prone to crime?

Another interesting factor is the principle that "birds of a feather flock together." Theists are going to group together just as atheists are, that’s why there are high concentrations of either group in certain geographic areas. So, that being said it stands to reason that if x number of crimes are committed in an area where there’s a higher percentage of theists then the outcome will be a higher percentage of crime committing theists. I know, it’s hard to imagine. Also, marriage is on the decline, especially amongst atheists. So, if fewer atheists are getting married, while theistic marriages are at least staying at some standard rate (probably lower as well, but doubtful to the degree of atheism). So, if the divorce rate stays the same then of course the bulk of divorces are going to be of theists. Also, for purposes of this statistic, what if one partner is atheist and the other a theist? Is that an atheistic combination or theistic? The other thing is that divorce is more common place and easier so is on the increase over decades past. As it becomes less taboo and there are less social ramifications of divorce the more theists will divorce. Think back to the fifties (a time of higher theism) and look at the divorce and crime rate from the fifties (percentage wise) compared to now. So, can theism be blamed for the increase in crime and divorce? Or perhaps is a society becoming less caring and more lapse in their estrangement of deviancy?

Atheists such as AUUB state that their goal is to bring people together in oneness, yet he estranges them and creates an "us versus them" atmosphere that is not conducive of that oneness the world needs. By pointing out the differences between atheists and theists you create persecution. Embracing the things that make us the same is what needs to be done. We all want The Truth, what truth we want, and how we seek it are our own. If an atheist were striving to practice his ways and attain his truth in a theistic society that attempted to oppress him ridiculed him, and ostracized him he would be unhappy and ill at ease. How is a theistic individual in an atheistic society any different? Why is it okay for atheists to be free to be atheist but it is silly and pointless of theists to practice their way?

Don’t think that I’m letting theists off the hook. They are just as guilty of all of these things as atheists.

Ultimately the debate of atheism versus theism is one that will never be concluded, nor should it be, both are needed. What everyone needs to realize is that beyond our religious beliefs we are all human and should be treated as such. I don’t believe in God, but I am not an atheist. Nor am I a theist. Or a deist, or agnostic. I am human. And so are you. I only hope that you find the peace in yourself that forces you to lash out at others.


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October 6, 2009

As a Christian woman I thank you for this post. I don’t try to “convert” people to my beleifs and I don’t appreciate it when others try and do that to me. If they want to be atheist then they can be one just let the rest of us be who we want to be. Your very well spoken.

October 6, 2009

Your welcome. It’s a small world; where are you from if you don’t mind me asking?

October 6, 2009

Ahh well hello neighbor lol. I have another noter from there.

October 6, 2009

RYN: Don’t worry about too many notes! 🙂 I will try those, but I can’t do jumping jacks anymore because of my hip. Last RYN: It’s legal, right? The files?

October 6, 2009

Alright, so, the program I need is? I wll gte it and then you can send ’em or vise-versa.

October 7, 2009

🙂 I enjoyed reading this.. especially the last paragraph. Have you read “AnAtheist” .. he is the only one I read.. I enjoy what he says and the questions he asks.. what he presents.. He writes his own blog. Which I like 😉 I found you through NotKieran by the way..

October 8, 2009

Atheists and theists: We aren’t threatening anyone with eternal damnation or any other such silly nonsense to convert them. We also aren’t telling little fair tales about men in whales or entire cities being turned to salt or any other such silly stories. We also aren’t starving people in third world countries until they agree to convert.

October 9, 2009

Wow. That was two minutes of my life I’ll never get back