I told you to think carefully…

Last entry I posed the question regarding a condom commercial that boldly and proudly exclaimed that "It feels like there’s nothing there!"  And I was left this note:

Because women also enjoy the feeling of going bareback. Most of us insist on using a condom because we don’t want to get pregnant or any STDs but we too can tell the difference between protected and natural sex and believe it or not it less enjoyable or women when condoms are used too.  [SydneyDarko]

Now, the title to the before mentioned entry:  "Think very carefully before responding."  The above noter obviously did not.  The commercial did not say:  "It feels like he’s wearing nothing at all!"  Or, "It feels like wearing nothing."  "Or feels like he’s not wearing one!"  No, it says:  "It feels like there’s nothing there!"  And what would this sensation feel like if there were truly nothing?  I’d imagine because there’s "nothing there" that there would be no sensation.  And would anyone want to have sex where there was no sensation?  I would fashion that the guess is no.

The sad state of the matter is that very few people realize that what they mean to say and what they’ve actually said rarely match and leads to very interesting faux pas.  This is nowhere more apparent than in commercials that attempt to be smart and funny.  Basically however it leads to another applicable two word phrase that the above noter should relish in as well:  Epic F(l)ail.


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This reminds me of a L. Carroll quotation of which I have always been quite fond: March Hare: …Then you should say what you mean. Alice: I do; at least – at least I mean what I say — that’s the same thing, you know. Hatter: Not the same thing a bit! Why, you might just as well say that, ‘I see what I eat’ is the same as ‘I eat what I see’! (ctd…)

(…ctd) March Hare: You might just as well say, that “I like what I get” is the same thing as “I get what I like”! The Dormouse: You might just as well say, that “I breathe when I sleep” is the same thing as “I sleep when I breathe”! ~ Mrs. RK

And as for your noter’s comment: Sex with condoms can be just as rewarding as without. However, it takes two good lovers to make it work well. Apparently, your noter has missed not only the play of words, but the techniques involved to touch a little piece of heaven. My sympathies go out to her. ~Mrs. RK (again)

January 31, 2010

precisely. 🙂

January 31, 2010

Funny because from what I hear, sex with you feels like there’s nothing there

February 1, 2010

SD~ You were once RK’s lover (no need to be passive aggressive about it). We both know that he has a beautiful penis. I can attest to the fact that RK is the most wonderful lover I’ve ever had (and I have been with all shapes, sizes, and races). He is kind and attentive, and every bit as passionate and sensual as he alluded to in his posts of 6/20/09 and 6/23/09. (ct’d…)

February 1, 2010

(…ct’d) In RK, I have met my soul mate, and could not ask for anything more, both in bed and elsewhere. All that said… The question is why are you lingering over RK? I am sorry that things didn’t work out for you. I am sorry you got hurt. I know you blame me, though we both know it was over before RK & I started emailing, but if it helps, so be it. (ct’d…)

February 1, 2010

(…ctd) When it comes down to it, you weren’t right for him. And he wasn’t right for you. Somehow, I think that deep down you know this. The first step in finding your “Mr. Right-For-You” is to let go of RK… to move on. (No, you haven’t moved on yet. You’re still reading his OD regularly, now aren’t you.) Don’t dwell on the past (RK or other people/events); (ctd…)

February 1, 2010

(…ctd) instead, move on and look toward the future. Find your own happiness within yourself; don’t rely on others to make you happy (they can make you unhappy, too). Best of Luck and Brightest of Blessings in your life, love, and future, Heather. I hope it all works out for you. (RK, sorry for usurping your post… Now, kids, back to your regularly-scheduled programming!) ~Mrs. RK