
– 175, 35% body fat (dropped  one pound)

– Was busy all day, and then had a good sized lunch (that I packed an and manged to only have 1 mini bag of hard candy. and  yogurt and almonds, but I don’t consider those…i dunno the bad snacks)
– I did put down a pint of ben & jerry’s though, it was yummy

– I was dealing with some pretty severe neck pain so I didn’t want to make it worse by getting to the gym. figured i’d go home and sleep it off. and had a pretty bad headache.

Yesterdays goals met?
– food yes, had breakfast (bought more supplies for breakfast)

– slept on my neck funny so used that as a no-gym excuse.

Successes: (at least, I think so)

– have been having issues with the whole sleep thing. So actually did manage to get enough sleep last night, but apparently missed an awesome game 6 to do it.
– I did talk to my old gym buddy to see if he could start harassing me again….he might.

Goals :
Food: make good food decisions
Exercise:so…today’s the last gym day for the week.

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November 14, 2011