New Job and Becoming an Author

So life over the last 5 years has had some up’s and downs, but thankfully a lot more up’s. I got fed up at working as a baker, and went to trade school and became a heavy equipment operator. I was pretty nervous as it was a big change and i really didn’t have any experience at all in that field of work. Turns out i am a natural. I got the second highest marks the school has ever gotten in the whole time they have been running, (to be fair most of the people that go here and become equipment operators can hardly spell their own names lol) Then came the operating part, i rocked it, it’s really easy and fun. When school finished i got a job right away at a local gravel quarry and thats where i have been for the last 5 years work wise.


In the last several years i have pushed hard in my writing, and have published 11 books. Ranging from Fantasy, horror and paranormal erotica. Though in the last year and a bit i haven’t written anything due to being so busy, i do have several other books on the go to finish up.
Here is one of my personal favs if you are interested.

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January 27, 2018

That’s so cool!