teasing threat

The summer sun has bathed the isolated stretch of beach until the pale sand is almost unbearably hot to the touch. I know that once that fiery  orb finally slides into the dark blue of the distant horizon that the temperature will drop dramatically.  I have visited this place often and not once has my solitude been disturbed by anything other than the distant cry of sea birds.

The walk to my little corner of paradise has damp curls clinging to my neck and my thin cotton dress plastered to my body like a second skin. I kick off my sandals and my feet sink into the hot sand. I smile as I watch as the hot pink polish on my toes slowly disappears into its warmth. Without giving it too much thought, I slide the straps of my dress off my shoulders. I shimmy slightly until the fabric pools around my feet.

Far from attacking the shore, the waves seem to be gently teasing it.  A breeze moves in off the ocean causing a shiver to slide up my spine. After tossing my dress a bit further away from the encroaching surf, I sit down on the deliciously warm sand.  Feeling a bit like a kid I lay back and wiggle until my body has formed a slight hollow.

The tension flows out of me and is absorbed into the surrounding warmth. My fingers scoop up handfuls of the sugary sand, allowing it to slide through my fingers.  The exhaustion that has been plaguing me finally wins and I fall into a deep asleep. I have no idea how much time has passed but awareness slowly creeps back to claim me.  I might have slept for a few minutes or an hour.

The sun is no longer high in the sky. A shadow slowly moves over me, shielding me slightly.  Startled I open my eyes but all I can see is the dark shadowy figure surrounded by the late afternoon sun.  Blinking only causes bright spots, like fireflies, to dance behind my eyelids. Strangely I am not afraid or even nervous.

"If you insist on wandering off, and taking a nap wearing not much more than a blush, you might want to consider sunscreen."

A little smile is the only answer you receive.  A show of modesty would be wasted. I have no desire or need to hide from you.

You drop down into the sand beside me, your knee just barely brushing against the sun warmed flesh of my hip.  "If I wasn’t a selfish man I would tell you to get dressed."

I smile when I feel your finger gently brush my nose and trail across my cheek. "You are a tempting shade of pink. The question is whether it is from your nap in the sun or me."

"Why that is just silly. Of course it is the sun."

My breath leaves in a rush as I feel your fingertips take a meandering journey from my shoulder, hesitating slightly before following a straight line down the center of my chest and coming to rest on my belly.  "If that is the case we had better get you out of the sun because your "sunburn" is deepening as we speak."

When I open my eyes all I can see is your wicked smile followed by the fact that the sun has definitely disappeared. Feeling a bit disoriented I search for my discarded dress before finding it tangled among some sea grass.

Gently you take the dress and wipe the sand from my back and thighs, pausing to press a kiss on the small of my back.  Your sigh is filled with regret as you  pull the dress over my head and tug it into place. "We really do need to get you into a shower to get rid of the salt and sand."

Resting my cheek on your shoulder, I slide my arms around your waist. It feels as natural as breathing when your arms wrap around me and pull me close. Taking my time I weave an intricate pattern of soft kisses along your shoulder before reaching that delicious place on the side of your neck, a place of vulnerability and surrender. I rest my open lips over the waiting flesh and I am rewarded by the taste of salt from the sea spray combined with your own unique essence. The tip of my tongue seeks and finds the place where your blood is surging through the vein just beneath the surface of your skin. I actually feel your pulse quicken against my tongue.

Your fingers are gripping my hips as you pull me closer. To remind us both where we are I bite down just hard enough to make you draw in a quick breath before I gently kiss the hurt away. "I believe you mentioned a shower?", I pulled away and quickly walked toward the waiting cottage all the while trying unsuccessfully to hide my smile.

I can tell by your breathing that you are gaining ground as you close the distance between us. We reach the shadows of the back porch at the same time. You wrap your arms around me and give me a very distracting, but promising kiss.  A contented sigh is the only response I am capable of making. It is in that moment that your hand gives a firm swat to my backside. Startled I jump and look up. I am greeted by the wickedest smile I have ever seen. "Don’t tease unless you are willing to accept the consequences."

Inhaling sharply I say the first thing that comes to mind, "Just give me 5 minutes in the shower, maybe less."

You simply look at your watch and I realize I better hurry…..

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WHOA!! Who is this writing?! :p Way..seriously..HOT *fans self

February 28, 2012
February 28, 2012

Very good. A great story.

March 1, 2012
March 5, 2012

I love your writing.

September 14, 2012

I read this & I thought noted but …alas there is nothing. Wonderful writing xx

Please start writing!! That was so good! You had me sucked in and then it was over:-(