promises kept

 The music fades. Conversation recedes. The volume hasn’t changed, merely my awareness of it. My nerve endings become sensitive and a primal part of my being searches for the source of this shift in the atmosphere.

My heart no longer beats in the comfortable familiar rhythm instead fluttering like the wings of a trapped butterfly.  Far from being painful it causes something deep down inside of me to clench in anticipation.

Outwardly I am unchanged save for the slight tremor of the hand that holds a drink, the condensation trickling down the side and running over my fingers.  I focus on the blessed coolness.

Opposites attract. Cold will search until it finds warmth. A drop of condensation slides from the glass and onto my hand, lazily allowing gravity to pull it over the curve of my wrist. I watch the droplet as if fascinated by its performance but I am merely waiting.

As if on cue, warmth reaches out with a feather light stroke and my breath leaves me.  Heat slides up my back and curls around my waist before flooding my body completely. 

The brush of a hand on my hip takes my breath momentarily.  Far from intimidating the touch is enticing. When the fingers trace lazy circles across the small of my back I remember to breathe. The scent is subtle but unmistakable, and ALL you.

With a deep contented sigh I allow my body to lean into the warm strength of yours. A soft chuckle teases and ruffles the curls that brush against the sensitive flesh of my neck.

Conversation has continued unabated but I have no wish to participate. The faint vibration of your chest against my back and shoulders indicates that you have spoken to the small group of people gathered in the relative quiet of this small corner some distance from the dance floor.

I hope that I am smiling in the appropriate places but I have no idea what the topic of conversation is. Your hands have settled on my waist, fingers splayed. Your hold is light but firm, and oh so familiar.  I am hyper aware of your touch from the slight pressure of your thighs brushing against the back of mine, up the length of my spine to the heat of your breath against my neck and cheek.

If not for the support of your body I would simply melt into a puddle at your feet. You seem to be enjoying your ability to torture me in the middle of a crowded room. Turning slightly so that my shoulder rests against your chest. I place a soft kiss on your cheek, before tugging you closer to whisper in your ear, "You walked into this room like you knew what you wanted.  Every touch has been a promise of more.  Confidence is very seductive, but you should know…I’m going to hold you to every single one."

I thank everyone for a lovely evening and walk toward the exit sign. You are there before me, pushing the door open. Your quiet laughter is like velvet on my skin. "Now what were you saying about promises?  I just want to make sure we understand one another."

"Oh I think we do. I’m going to eat you for lunch."

Any thoughts of further flirtation are forgotten as you grab my hand and pull me toward the waiting car.  

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WOW Now I wish I had THAT in my life :p

February 6, 2012

The words are so enticing and actions so sweet It makes something rise that hasn’t got feet Willy,of

February 7, 2012

I told him he should report it but he doesn’t want spiteful retaliation. Ultimately it up to him.

February 8, 2012

Very sensual…

February 13, 2012

When pray-tell will you get published??? This could be one of those 5min stories in magazines that pay $100-200…or extended & be a novel. You have such a way with words my friend… Now if only it were real life- though many yrs ago I’m sure Dan & I were like that. Thanks xx