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January 9, 2012

Congratulations. SEC 6-0 in National Championship. And don’t worry about those idiots in the press. every one of them hate Southerners. I, for one, am proud to be from Southeast Louisiana. Again, your boys played the better game. Enjoy the feeling. YA’LL deserve it.

January 10, 2012

glad alabama won!! i’m always for a southern team considering i was born and raised in the deep south. take care,

January 10, 2012

I AM NOT HAPPY HAHA but bama came in to win, and they did. LSU was outplayed and outcoached!

January 17, 2012

HAHA -HAHA!!! congrats, happy new year xxxx

lol You’re not the only friend that’s been ditched by him, I think he’s prob. not having any contact with the women, that she saw as a threat. He said he felt more wanted by his own dogs than me & in some ways it was true, we really struggled there for awhile. I was struggling with adjusting to living with someone again, he was constantly flirting with his other women friends on facebook, even tho

I asked him to stop several times & in the end I gave up, I had his wife to deal with, & he did nothing & I see now, it was so he had a way back into the relationship, it was just a hard slog the whole year, we had money problems etc, he didn’t have a job there for awhile. I knew it was going to end sometime, I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did, really. he went back into the relationship (c)

lying to her about me & him. I mean seriously he was back together with her in a month! after we split up & its been almost 5 mnths for me & I’m still not over him & I still cry at night & I miss him everyday & I still love him, tho’ I want to hate him. What really gets me is the way he went behind my back, knowing how he was going to hurt me but he still went & did it anyway & not just the once..

that’s what really cuts deep. How do ppl do that to ppl they claim to love? How can they live with themselves & go on in life, like that with no apology, no remorse & his/her friends on facebook, thinks its all a joke, etc I don’t think I knew him either because I do not understand how he could’ve been so cruel to me. I did nothing to warrant it, I opened my house, my heart, treated him well,

looked after him, fed him & gave him his freedom back but it was all for naught. Those 2 really deserve each other, that’s what I keep telling myself. It will be a long time b4 I trust a man, if ever, again. If you ever feel compelled to talk to him or leave him notes on fb, just be aware, she has access to everything, fb, his email addys, etc just so you know. Now, how could I forget you? :p

Silly girlie, you have a friend for life xx

Yeah have missed seeing you on FB but I understand. I’m sorry bout your Mum. My Mum helps me out enormously pratical wise but she never just visits, it always has to be a reason, I think cause my house is messy, same with my siblings, they never visit, I have to go to my parents to see them but we’re in the same town. Who knows? but really its their loss. My Mum keeps pressuring me to go down &

see my siblings but honstly why should I, since they have never visited me & I have lived in this house 4 nearly 6 years & I have gone down to Melb. to see them more than they have come up to my house to see me. Its a hurt that gets buried because I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong, I seem to have that effect on ppl, maybe you should run now..:p lol So I hope your Mum will acknowledge you,

& appreciate you before its too late. *HUGS* Love you xx For what its worth, I appreciate you, you are this amazing friend, the only awesome thing to come out of being with him.

February 1, 2012

BOO BOO BOO OR SHOULD IT BE BOOHOO 🙂 where was LSU that night?