
It is oh so easy to feel smug and complacent in your position of "I’m right and everyone else is an idiot". I would suggest that it is a false sense of superiority that allows you to bask in the gentle glow that radiates from the harsh spotlight that you shine with such assurance on everyone but yourself. The heat from the intense scrutiny alone is enough to burn. The exposure that results pierces through flesh and bone and aims straight to the motives and methods of other people’s actions. It is fairly easy to literally see through a situation and slice straight through, to the real "heart". That is it is easy if the only scale or criteria is your own.
You are so confident in your position of absolute perfection that there is no room for question or shades of gray. You are wise then I by default must be the fool. You are analytical and methodical in the formation of your philosophy or reaction to a certain set of circumstances. Therefore I must be overly emotional and spontaneous. You are perfectly within the bounds of the laws of your own "rightness" when you tease and poke until you have been given the very emotional and volatile reaction that you expect. It is only natural that you then point out the error of that reaction. You only do this for my own good. It is not your responsibility to maintain discipline over MY emotions.
You admit to playing devil’s advocate when given the opportunity. You see it as a educational process. No matter the situation you can point out how I failed to act properly or maturely. I must learn to control my emotions, specifically my tongue. I must think before I speak, unless you are exercising your power to provoke. It is pointless to deny you the reaction you seek as you will most assuredly keep poking until you get it. It is best to surrender quickly.
You are proud of your iron will and spine of steel. Emotions are a waste of time and energy. To be precise MY emotions are a waste unless they are entertaining YOU. Those momentary diversions are a proclamation of MY weak nature and should be pitied.
I am afraid that I do not possess all the answers. I am told on a regular basis that I am wrong. I would like to respectfully inquire as to how you manage to maintain your grip on that white hot spot light of "right" without burning your fingers. Do you perhaps wear welding gloves? Oh and isn’t it exhausting always having to maintain that position of "absolute righteousness"? I have never been there personally. I was just wondering….

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May 12, 2011

how i dislike those who think they are always right! take care,