upcoming weekend

so this weekend chris and i, along with mana and nathan, are going to mall of america.

its gonna be fun. i cant wait. the only sucky thing is that we have to leave at like, 6 in the morning, so that will probably suck.

otherwise, total funness ahead.

woke up this morning with a really super sore neck/shoulders. gonna go shower in very hot water again quick before bed… i took one of chris’ pain pills, so thats helped. im hoping it goes away when im all relaxed and sleeping, but if not… ill be taking another one before work in the morning… which will suck because they make you tired.

i went to walmart on friday night/saturday morning (midnight) for the New Moon release, with Carrie and Brian, and……… ran into Joe.


i mean, he was there, and i saw him and freaked, but we didnt talk or anything. it was really weird. i mean, i cant even REMEMBER the last time i had actually seen him. im pretty sure its been at least 2 years, if not more. i didnt know what to do other then to run away.

the best part was that brian was all "oh my god he got FAT"

i just had to laugh at that. i mean, he wasnt like, gigantic kinda thing, but yeah, hes gained weight. hes pudgy.

it was weird. i kinda wish we coulda approached each other, and said hi, but im sure the whole sleeping with his best friend thing didnt exactly just disappear. sure, its been almost four years, but still. cant be something you get over easily. *sigh* i do miss him sometimes, but theres nothing i can do about that. i just miss talking to him, he was a good person, and a good friend.

im happy with chris, and im glad i have what i have, so thats all i care about.

and speaking of him, its his birthday in four days… and i know he was all "i dont want anything" because were going to mall of america and all, but i still feel weird not getting him anything. i always have, and i want to… maybe ill find something while were there, since were going saturday, and his birthday in sunday. or at least take him out for a nice lunch or something…

ah well, something ill figure out i guess.


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