


SO i decided to share my tree with the masses! i had much fun putting it up, AND since i got an awesome cake topper for the wedding, its also a christmas ornament, so its front and center, right in front of a green light. you can notice it in the lit up picture by looking at the top where theres kinda a splotch of green. it looks nifty in person. and my little village underneath it is fun. i always wanted to play with them when i saw them at friends houses when i was little so i got mine, and i may get more to add to it when all that walgreens stuff goes on sale in, like, two weeks.

SO christmas being next week i went out and finished all my shopping last night and got everything taken care of and wrapped. i got chris his car radio, BUT i also got him a "gag" gift though everyone agrees he’ll probably <3 it more then the stereo anyway (and if he doesnt i will). wanna know? okay: LEGOS! 

i had to. it was $15 for a whole bin of like, 230 or something like that. it made me giddy.

so ive realized im becoming addicted to Tylenol PM. not like, addicted addicted but…. well, i always have had sleeping problems. unless extremely to the point of going to die soon tired, i can be sleepy and ready for bed, lay down, and become wide awake again, as if id slept for 8 hours. so i lay in bed tossing and turning for like, an hour, before i finally fall asleep. so i started taking tylenol pm a little while ago off and on and i just LOVE the idea of being able to put my head on the pillow and pass out. its nice. so… im more addicted to the sleeping part i guess? but i KNOW i need to stop. so… i plan for today to be my last day on it. ive taken it steady for two weeks, which is a doctor ordered kinda thing (not that i saw a doctor, its what they recommended for chris at first) and it should hopefully help me. i took it today only because tomorrow im supposed to do that 2 hour shift thingy to write an order, but i want to start making christmas cookies before i have to go in, so i need to get up early. we’re pretty sure part of the problem is me being on this whacked out schedule of some sort of third/first shift thing. hopefully steve will be back soon though, and i can go back to normal.

speaking of which, i realized my birthday is about a month away. i ALWAYS take a few extra days for that, and if steve isnt back….. ILL HAVE TO WORK! well, not ON my birthday, because it conviently falls on my one day off each week, but… you know. i always like that start of the year break.

so… being just about 3 now, im going to go read and such until im almost asleep on the couch, and then go crawl into bed with my hubby.


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