the busy life

k so this weeks kinda flown by without me paying attention. way to go vicki…

so monday me and mana went to see señor which was awesome, but disappointing cuz i didnt get to see ms. stevens. i was gonna go see her today at LFOA, but because i must strat my pleasant work night at 8, im gonna have to pass. waiting for my laundry to be done and stuff and then its off to bed. blar.

maybe tomorrow…. or something…..


i guess theres always next year…. and its not like i cant email her whenever i want… as long as i call her *shudder* eilene…..

ANYWHO. otherwise, much work and such. thursday night carrie, jessi, and roni all came over for a bit and we had corn and ice cream and watched TV and such and just ranted a bit. it was fun. i wish i could do that more often…. i hope i can get off 3rd soon…..

not that i dont like it, its just getting irritating, knowing these people are all doing stuff i cant join in on cuz i gotta effing sleep instead.

im glad i get to go camping in, like, 3 weeks. hopefully it wont be as rainy as it has been/is… and chris is going to be there for the weekend, and i gotta talk to nicole… and maybe i can get mana and everyone to come up for the day!!!!! ooooooo thatd be awesome. MANA! on like, a weekend or something, you gotta plan stuff for all of you to come up to Long Lake. ill be there the 13th-20th. so, like, the 19th? and if you guys want, im sure we can make some kinda room for people to stay the night!!!! oh itll be awesome if people can!!!!! and theres time for people to figure schedules out, right?! *grin*

itd be total fun.

but i need to shower, and i wanna read and such. so im gonna go do that stuff…. k. laterz.

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June 21, 2008

I would love to, seriously! I don’t see any reason why I couldn’t go as of right now. 🙂