talk about surprises

So I was going along normally, working and all a couple days ago. Suddenly, my phone goes off with a message and I’m like "hmmm… wonder who that could be" so I open it and it’s from facebook.

Okay, a friend request.

Name: Gina C.



For a recap: I cheated on Joe, with his best friend, that he wanted as his best man in our wedding. Gina took this rather badly, and when she saw us one night, about a month later, she keyed my car. Etched the word SLUT in very big letters along the hood of my car. I had to drive with it like that for a few days, before we could get it taken in and painted, because we had to go to the police and file a report for insurance purposes, and I pressed charges. I was angry. I paid $360 a month for that car, and she knew it. This also happened to be the night before my graduation. So… because of her doing this, I don’t have a single graduation picture, because I was in such a sour mood, that I didn’t think about how one day in the future, I might want one.

So I never saw or spoke to her again. It has now been four years. I accepted the friend request, hoping, maybe she wants to BE friends. That this is a step towards things being okay. I really did like her, and I’ve thought about her a lot in the past years. It would be nice to be friends. We don’t exactly have the privilege of hanging out and stuff like that, without me getting these awful glares from her parents, and of course, there being Joe, but still, this is something, right?

It’s weird, and I wasn’t sure if she was going to say anything. She hasn’t though. I don’t know what this means. I don’t know if I should just leave it, and accept it like how I have friends on there that are girls I never spoke to through all of high school, but for some reason decided to friend me. I guess I’ll wait and see how it pans out. There’s no reason to get overly anxious about it or anything.

I had off of work today, and am off again tomorrow. Two days in a row. How strange is that?! I feel like I’m on vacation almost!

However, this week I get to spend 30 hours in deli. Joy.

I left the front end so I wouldn’t be dealing with customers up front, all the time. I went to third shift, where I spent a year and a half working when the store was CLOSED. I think the entire time I was on third, I maybe saw 100 customers.

I go back to days, and am in grocery, so I can at least escape to the back room when needed. Now in dairy/frozen, I have the "filling milk" thing going for me. Now I have to be in deli, where I have to deal with waiting completely on everyone. Ugh.

Anyway, it’s 1:30 in the morning. I think I’m going to go to sleep now. Well, shower and sleep, because I feel gross. I spent all afternoon cleaning the entire apartment. Bathrooms, bedroom, living room, kitchen…. all of it in desperate need, especially the bathrooms since I was skimping over them the past few times I went on my cleaning spree. So I feel pretty grodie and think I’m gonna go shower and just pass out. I need a good nights rest.


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May 17, 2010
