survey since i havent in forever


1. What are your middle names?
Ann and Anthony

2. How long have you been together?
3 1/2 years ish.

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
about a year

4. Who asked who out?
Ummm….. we just decided one day "hey, we ARE dating"

5. How old are each of you?
21 and 23

6. Whose siblings do/did you see the most?
Mine. Id say its cuz theyre closer but its really cuz his sis is just…. different

7. What about pets? Names?
Two kitties? Ours named Tycho and our "adopted" Squirt

8. Did you go to the same school?
Not even close

9. Are you from the same home town?
Not at all

10. Who is the smartest?
He is by far

11. Who is the most sensitive?
Me… but im a girl. i expect it

12. Where do you eat out most as a couple?

13. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

14. Who has the Craziest ex’s?
um, i think he does….. or else, he just comes in contact with the craziest females that fall for him

15. Who has the worst temper?
Neither of us have really gone off… i think we’re even depending on the situation

16. Who does the cooking?
another toss up. we cook for ourselves, but if we’re gonna share something, i usually make it

17. Who is more social?
Him. im too shy

18. Who is the neat-freak?
neither of us

19. Who is the more stubborn?

20. Who hogs the bed?
he hogs the bed, i hog the covers

21. Who wakes up earlier?
him usually.

22. Where was your first date?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………….. webbs?

23. Who has the bigger family?
me by far

24. Do you get flowers often?
no. he has this thing about "if i do it for you all the time, you’ll come to expect it. thats no fun!"

25. How do you spend the holidays?
split it up. like, his family does stuff both christmas eve and day, but since his large amount of family is together christmas eve, we go there, and my family takes up christmas day. and thanksgiving can be a week later if need be. everyone in both our families have completely different work schedules

26. Who is more jealous?
probably me. but he can have his moments

27. What is "your song?"
Come Away With Me by Norah Jones

28. How long did it take to get serious?
like…. 6 months. but thats cuz of our "break up" moment….

29. Who eats more?
him. it scares me.

30. Who does/did the laundry?

31. Who’s better with the computer?

32. Who drives when you are together?
usually him. he doesnt like my driving.


so yeah. felt bored. found that on facebook. i just woke up and its 1030pm. its so weird to be doing this again. and OMG i just looked at the bottom of the screen and noticed you can "post to facebook or twitter" and im going to go slit my wrists now.

i cant believe that. and im sure you guys have all known about it for ages but i didnt and that depresses me slightly. i mean, does facebook and twitter have to be EVERYWHERE? remember the good old days when facbook was only for college students? you had to have a verifiable college email to work it. and then after that you at least needed a school email. and now its EVERYWHERE. i mean, my DAD has one. ugh.

im going to play wow. at least i can pretend that everyones 22 year old geeks that way.


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