
i always like christmas cuz it gives me an excuse to spend time shopping and looking at things online.

i got chris’ gift last week online and had it sent to my moms so i got that the other day and its all wrapped and under the tree. had to get the nieces and nephews something, so instead of spending a ton of money on all of them, i got Connect 4 because i think that game rocks and its something they can all use. hopefully its better then when i got them all the v-smile and it was broken like, a month later. this is just why i dont want to spend a bunch of money on them. im not rich enough.

so anywho. went to the mall yesterday for more shopping with chris, and while he pushed me away so he could look for his gift for me i was wondering down the way and suddenly right in front of me is Dominic and Jade. now, i kinda smirked to myself when seeing them, and then turned back after they walked past and they were watching me. it was funny.

when i found chris and told him we were SLIGHTLY hoping we’d see them on the way out. i guess they see chris every once in awhile when they stop at walgreens and hes working but i havent seen them in well, years. i think the last time i saw them was maybe a month after joe and i broke up….

and not that i have anything against big people, but damn theyve put on pounds. and yet, when i left joe i was apparently going to become fat and lazy and pregnant. not one has happened to me (sadly on one of those still..)

blarg. so anyway, my tree is all festive like now with presents underneath it and such. it makes me giddy inside to see it. i actually may have to go and get another today and mail it out to someone soon.

which reminds me, i have to get money for my dads present. i guess carrie and roni came up with getting him tickets for some reba concert tour.

i wish i would write more in here again. there isnt enough drama in my life! but i was looking at my entry calender and i have like, 300 entries every year until the past two. ive only done, like, 50 entries this ENTIRE YEAR! how depressing is that??????

so i have firmly made a new years resolution: WRITE MORE ENTRIES. yes, theres a whole, like, 3 people who read this, but STILL. i <3 it way too much to stop, so i should just update more often. i wonder if ill ever grow out of wanting to write in here? maybe when i have, like, two kids and a BOOMING photography business (i wish…..)??

alrighty, off to do something more with my life.

yeah not really. probably go take a hot bath or something, seeing as im frozen. stupid water heat.


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