
So… I havent written in almost a month, which i didnt even notice go by. wow. thats kinda weird really. i still dont know when im stuck at county line until, which sucks. last i heard it went from 6 weeks to 8-10 weeks, so im hoping to be back at my store by like, May… ugh.

stupid stupid stupid stupid.

i come home every day with a backache, and today i got a migraine, and i just gave up.

im going to do my job, im going to keep it organized, but i am DONE pushing myself. i am one damn person, and i cannot keep working like crazy, and running around. especially not at this store, because there are SO MANY PEOPLE. and they ask so many questions CONSTANTLY. i swear, in the past 6 years at my store, i have not been asked as many questions as in the past month at this store. i detest it. if i could be LEFT ALONE for 10 freaken minutes, i could get something done, but instead it takes me 5 hours to do one pallet, because every 5 minutes someone wants me to go check if we have something, which mostly just consists of me going in the back, banging my head against a box, and coming back out and telling them NO.

i really want to wear a sign that says "i will hunt you down and torture you if you talk to me"

i dont smile, i dont acknowledge anyone anymore. im just tired of it.

yes, im in customer service, but you know what? it doesnt mean i HAVE to like people, because i really really dont.

in two weeks chris and i, along with mana and nathan, are going to mall of america, and i cannot wait. a small weekend, where i dont have to think about anything.

another reason for not writing lately is definitely WoW. i leveled up my warlock and am obsessed with getting her gear, and its taking a lot of time. and i have some good buddies on there i really like to talk to.

take AIM to the next level, and its like high school all over again.

really, i know its going to be awhile, but whenever WoW goes away, and i cant talk to these people so much anymore, i may cry a lot. a couple of them are more then likely coming camping with us this summer, which im really looking forward to. i really go on half the time just to talk to someone, and we talk on Vent, and are all discussing are problems and such. if i lived near half these people, theyd be my best friends lately. we are all generally concerned for each other, which is nice.

anyway, im tired, and i have a doctors appointment at 845 in the morning. since its 1130, i figure i should go to bed now. hopefully ill write again soon.

i just need to put up a sign next to my computer saying "check OD and WRITE" so i know to do so.

ahs well. <3


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March 12, 2010

I do the same thing. Forgetting about my OD and whatnot, I mean. Sorry your job is sucking so hard. It’ll get better. <3