not fun

so that doctors appointment? yeah, not so much fun.

im sure as much as people would like to hear this, i have some warts on the bottom of one of my feet, one giant one (which is apparently like, 10 all together) and about 4 or 5 other small ones.

tried treating them myself, and couldnt, so i went to the doctor this morning, and he did the whole liquid nitrogen freezing them thing.

and IT HURT. A LOT. i was grabbing the table and trying not to cry. he told me he actually had a dude faint on him the other day when he was doing it, so he was very proud of the fact that i barely even twitched, despite how every time he went near my foot with a q-tip it started tensing and such.

but i really cant walk on my foot, it hurts so bad. i mean, thats normal, but still, sucky. im going to have to go in for a second treatment too in about 2ish weeks. starting in about 5 days though, im to start treating them with some band-aid type things every night overnight, and he said that if i would like, during the day, to put DUCT TAPE on them.

yep, my doctor prescribed duct tape. it was rather awesome.

anyway, so because of not being able to really stand on one foot, i spent my day lounging in front of the computer despite cleaning as i should have done since once again, i am not off until next thursday. tomorrow morning i work 8-2, which sucks, since im sure my foot isnt going to feel a TON better over night.

luckily, i still have naproxen left, so its somewhat helpful. i wouldnt MIND being able to take one of the pain killers chris got before the vicadin (which i didnt mention about) he got a really bad toothache and until they can fully take care of it, hes on pain meds. so he got this one kind, but it makes him really super tired, and apparently is a very common side effect of it, so i cant really plan to take it that much for going to work. i may take one with me in the morning, just in case it is really bad…

guess i shall see.

so now that ive spent a very interesting time talking about my foot, on to better topics.

ive become obsessed with watching gilmore girls lately. i really really want the seasons, and am slightly hoping to find them cheap at walmart or something soon. i mean, i can watch it all on TV, since it goes in order, and its on monday-friday, but its still going to take about 6 months to go through it all. if i would get some seasons, i could EASILY watch it all, and be uber happy with myself.

guess ill have to watch for that at moa…

matt dalziel contacted me today on facebook. i literally stared at my phone for like, two whole minutes before registering it. i was actually suprised. last time i saw him face to face, i had really gotten the vibe that he was upset we had lost our chance together and i was with chris, and so upon my marriage, i didnt think he would really talk to me again. it was nice all the same.

ah well, off to shower and sleep now. well, probably bath and sleep, cuz i really dont want to stand for an extended period of time in the effort to make it possible to work tomorrow. blarg.


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March 13, 2010

Duct tape actually works.

March 14, 2010

Yeah, they prescribe duct tape for warts all the time actually, I think it’s awesome 🙂 Jaz has all of the seasons of Gilmore Girls, we watched them together over most of second semester sophomore year haha. They do have them kinda cheap at Wal-Mart, but still, that’s a lot of money to spend in one go on all of them.