
so, no matter what i tried, they wouldnt let me out of going over to county line, which really irks me. i see no point in me having to be there. im sure there is one freaken willing person to go over there but nooooooo it just HAD to be me.


so im there, and let me tell you, as i predicted. it SUCKS.

the cooler is so freaken small its ridiculous. i can picture exactly how i would figure out a way to change it if i was staying there long term, but as im not, i have to put up with it for now.

the milk is stacked in there so that theres barely enough room to stand and fill it. normally i have no problem with small places, but i feel absolutely clausterphobic in there. i had to break down the milk load today, crate by effing crate, just to get the normal load back into the cooler.

ugh. these next five weeks better effing fly by…. if the four months without steve could be done, i can do this too.


im reading The Time Traveler’s wife right now, its really good. much different then the movie *duh* its keeping me entertained.

so, upon receiving some extra cash towards it, i am only short about $280 for my camera. it feels so within my grasp. im getting way too excited about it right now. i cant let myself freak yet. i cannot get it yet. i still have saving to do…

i really have to make reservations for going to mall of america over chris’ birthday. im getting really pretty pumped for that. its going to be sooooo nice to actually take a vacation from work, and go somewhere. i mean, my "honeymoon" was pretty much down the street. and with mana and nate coming too, itll be even better.

last night we had dinner to go to at chris’ parents, and we were running early, so we stopped at chris’ high school, and he brought me into the theater department and ZOMG I HATE HIM. its an actual auditorium, with a lobby and a balcony and a TICKET BOOTH. it has a whole like, 1920’s like theme for it, and it looks pretty amazing.

their spring production is gonna be jekyll and hyde, and i kinda wanna see it. looks like it would be pretty awesome.

oh yeah, and on our way to see it, we went past the band/choir room…. AND THEY ARE HUGE AND UGH.

stupid germantown fails.

hes theater director was talking to him, and he introduced me as his wife and he gasped and looked at the ring and was all "thats real then?!" it was funny. i guess chris caused quite a bit of grief. XD

i wonder what he would have been like in high school…. watching him walk down the hallways. *daydreams…* im willing to bet i would have had a crush on him, and zero nerve to approach him.

so… back is killing me. think im gonna go take a bath. i luckily down work until 1 tomorrow, so i have plenty of time to relax and sleep tonight. im very much looking forward to it, especially since im not off again until thursday.

blarg. laterz.

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March 1, 2010

It may or may not be one of the 3 vases I took from your wedding 😉 <3