7/14/10-8/8/10 Milwaukee, WI : WICKED ON TOUR!

i think i just found out EXACTLY how i want to spend my one year anniversary. no matter what, i WILL be seeing that show. it will be, like, 30 minutes away from me. you CANNOT pay me to stay away.

im so excited. like, unbelievablely so. i am now saving the website to my bookmarks, so i can check it constantly for the day the tickets actually go up for sale. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

not much else to relay right now. im tired. and my shoulder hurts. its giving me a headache. i think i need to take an excedrin soon.

blarg. you wanna know what sucks? stopping birth control. because my hormones are ALL whacked out right now. stupid PMS. ive never been this crazy with it before, and now i feel completely messed up.

argies. gonna go watch tv. i have NCIS to calm me down…. laterz

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