dum dum da dum!


im married.

i am now Vicki Bertschinger

yay me!

it was wonderful, really. at least in my opinion. everyone else seemed to have loved it too, and no one complained about the large gap even! it seemed like people ENJOYED that even!

i didnt get ANY sleep the night before, im not even kidding. total, i got maybe 2 hours. from 230am-330am, and then from about 630am-715am ish.

so just let me say, i was EXHAUSTED all day long. but i made it.

we got to the hair appointment and didnt leave until 10:10ish, which was already 10 minutes after i was supposed to be at the church, but michelle did me the wonderful favor of going 70 the whole way there, and so we made it by 1030. got changed super uber fast and while climbing into my dress was also having make-up put on me so it was interesting.

i paced and freaked a bit, and then i walked down that aisle, seeing Chris smile at me, i was so happy at that moment, i cant even tell you.

the ceremony was wonderful, and then we spent about an hour and a half taking pictures.

then i got to hang out at my mommys for a bit in my dress eating mcdonalds!

the reception was also lovely, and the food AMAZING, the cake wonderful, music great…..

really…. it was all just too perfect, and i cried out of joy more then once, and danced more then ive ever danced before, and kissed my husband a bazillion times. he was just as happy and thrilled too.

and now im sitting in my upgaded hotel room (woo junior suite for the newlyweds!) and we just got back a bit ago from the museum, and we are heading down to the pool soon…. *sigh*

im happy. and as soon as i can ill post pics and send them out and what -not


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July 27, 2009

I LOVE YOU!!!! The food was DAMN awesome. As was everything else.